WT Letter Regarding A Certain Elder

by Bangalore 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • red21

    Entire congregations in MA were disbanded or had all the elders removed. This is 30 years ago. Any more current letters?

  • Bangalore



  • mamochan13

    When I was young I didn't realize that when you write to the society they do not reply to you without having contacted your hall to get all the dirt on you. They also tell the local elders what they are writing back to you. I innocently wrote a letter asking about being able to play in a band and ended up facing an elders meeting. Jerks.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Actually, compared to what the Society would probably send now if an elder so directly challenged them, this letter seems kind of mild.

    Sir, I think you are totally right about that!!

    They'd send in the executioners and that Bro would get the axe. Plenty of time to sort things out later about someone who speaks contrary to the Spirit Directed F&DS and the message God is giving to His people today.


  • clarity

    Thanks for posting this ............ just to think that years ago

    we used to think that these "144000 members @ Brooklyn were

    guiless, so simple & innocent, so meek, so up front, so holy...

    ok, now I'm getting sick .......but the truth is ......we did


  • likeabird

    Bethel will only directly answer "sweet positive sheepie letters"

    Anything with the slightest notion of dissent, however unintentional, gets sent straight to your elders (most probably with a cover letter like the above) and hits you wham in the face at your next meeting by Elder LikesToPushHisWeightAround. Not a pretty sight.

  • Mum

    Oops! They said "affect" when the correct word is "effect." Maybe they should encourage more education for the people who compose their correspondence!

    Freedom of speech ends once one has entered the hallowed halls of kingdom!



  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Was this brother Rolf Furui's letter, he views "higher education" as vital and good for a Witnesses to secure a better life financially?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Shameful really that instead of addressing the Elders concerns or accusations to HIM they go behind his back, alert the whole body that they have a potential apostate in their ranks and look for more 'dirt' than they already have.

    No doubt the 'Elder' is long out of the WT


  • JakeM2012

    I know this brother personally, and very closely. So does Brandt Jones. Bro XXXd has only recently not been an elder; taken out by some young pompous ass COBE in Wimberly. Brother X0XX is 70 plus years old. Several in his family have seen the TTATT and I believe that Brother XXYX feels stuck. I also know his older sister, she is still active and she made the comment one time that she felt she wasted her whole life, but she "has too much invested" to leave the "truth" now. The family members that have remained active JW's seem to be paralysed in their inability to even go to work, let alone, plan for the future. It is sad.

    This brother's fleshly brother was removed as a bookstudy conductor in the early 1970's because he would not teach 1975. (But the Society never said it) HA HA,. He said the scriptures say that "no man knows the day or hour". He also wrote letters to the society about 1975 as did others that I know; with hateful letters returned from Mother. The congregation is Alendale, and the PO was Roy Oatman. Roy is and was a company man, always looking for a way to make himself look better, a real suck up, even if it was at the expense of others.

    BTW, the original letters written by Brother BXXX are on WTFacts.com. I have no idea how they got there. I hope to see him in the next few months and I will ask him if he knows these letters are on JWFacts and if he minds if his identity is disclosed. I just went to Jwfacts, and am having a difficult time finding them again. Sorry, I could not give you a link.

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