Watchtower and the Civil Rights movement

by Flat_Accent 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    I was thinking too that the WTS under Rutherford's direction had carloads of jws from outside areas where the Sunday preaching was forbidden, actually selling books from door to door, talking about the bible with people was not the issue. The jws would overflow the jails and make a big scene. I can remember jws that carried a toothbrush during these times because they expected to be arrested.

    From 1927 Bible Students were urged to extend their door-to-door preaching to include Sundays. The move quickly attracted opposition from the clergy and the following year Bible Students began to be arrested in the U.S. for breaching local by-laws on Sabbath observance . [150] Rutherford challenged the laws in courts, ultimately fighting hundreds of cases in New Jersey alone as he insisted the preachers were not selling literature, but distributing it for a contribution to Society funds. [151]

  • james_woods

    The congregations of JWs in Oklahoma City (where I grew up in the 60s) were segregated.

    The JWs there thought this was the natural order of things, and made no attempt to change it - while all around them the civil rights movement was in full sway.

  • glenster

    Some older examples:

    1902 Russell seemed to dislike certain racist outlooks. But at one point he
    wrote: "The secret of the greater intelligence and aptitude of the Caucasian un-
    doubtedly in great measure is to be attributed to the commingling of blood
    amongst its various branches; and this was evidently forced in large measure by
    circumstances under divine control. It remains to be proven that the similar
    commingling of the various tribes of Chinese for several centuries would not
    equally brighten their intellects; and the same with the peoples of India and
    Africa." ("Zion's Watch Tower," July 15, 1902, p.216)


    "We answer, No. But all will admit that what the Ethiopian cannot do for him-
    self God could readily do for him. The difference between the races of men and
    the differences between their languages have long been arguments against the
    solidarity of the human family. The doctrine of restitution has also raised the
    question, How could all men be brought to perfection and which color of skin was
    the original? The answer is now provided.

    "God can change the Ethiopian's skin in his own due time. Prof. H. A. Ed-
    wards, Supt. of Schools in Slater, Mo., has written for the public press an
    elaborate description of how Julius Jackson, of New Frankfort, Mo., a negro boy
    of nine years, began to grow white in September, 1901, and is now fully nine-
    tenths white. He assures us that this is no whitish skin disease; but that the
    new white skin is as healthy as that of any white boy, and that the changed boy
    has never been sick and never has taken medicines." ("Watchtowers Reprints,"
    Feb.15, 1904, pp.3319,3320)

    Russell taught that the skin color of Adam and Eve, originally perfect, was

    1937 Regarding the Roman Catholic church: "Amongst her instruments that she
    uses are ultraselfish men called ‘Jews’, who look only for personal gain, and
    who therefore readily yield to and join with the Hierarchy in any unrighteous

    "No one on earth can tell exactly what will come to pass; but those devoted to
    the Lord, and according to the divine rule of applying the well known facts to
    God's prophecy now in course of fulfillment, can well reach a reasonable conclu-
    sion as to what shall come to pass. The question is, Will Great Britain and
    America become Facist under the dominating control of the Roman Catholic Heir-
    archy? The Scriptures and the facts seem to support that conclusion." ("Ene-
    mies," J.A. Rutherford, 1937, pp.281,291)

    1938 On November 9, the Kristallnacht began. In Germany, the "night of bro-
    ken glass" began as Nazi troops and sympathizers looted and burned Jewish busi-
    nesses (the all night affair saw 7,500 Jewish businesses destroyed, 267 synago-
    gues burned, 91 Jews killed, and at least 25,000 Jewish men arrested).

    Rutherford's Watchtowers in Germany began to criticize the treatment of Jewish
    people by the German government. By this time, the JWs movement had been off
    the German streets since Sept., 1937 (see 1936). Rutherford blamed Catholic
    leaders instead of himself for getting his followers hurt and even killed.

    1939 "Within many nations of the earth Jews are cruelly persecuted. Is there
    any good reason why any person should be persecuted merely because that person
    is a Jew? There is no just cause or excuse to persecute anyone. There is no
    reason or just cause for the persecution of the Jews.... The common people
    amongst the Jews believed Jesus, and received Him gladly; but their religious
    leaders rejected and persecuted Jesus. The persecutors of Jesus were leaders of
    religion, that is, the Pharisees, doctors of the law, who taught the Jewish peo-
    ple. The leaders of the Israelites, called "Pharisees" and "doctors", indulged
    in the practice of religion... Jehovah God had caused His prophet to foretell
    that such perseuction would come upon Jesus by that class of persons (Isaiah 53:
    1-12). This fact explains the cause for the persecution of the Jews, and from
    what follows it will be seen that all perseuction is induced by the Devil...

    "The Jews suffer cruel persecution at the hands of those who practice religion
    of one kind or another. For instance, Hitler has his peculiar religion, which
    is clearly the product of the Devil. Christians in Germany and elsewhere in the
    earth suffer persecution at the hands of religionists because Christians serve
    God and publish His name and His kingdom. All persons who desire righteousness
    refuse to indulge in the persecution of others, regardless of what others may
    believe. While it is true that the Jews are not Christians, yet because that
    nation and people once bore the name of Jehovah God, even though they were cast
    away as a nation, they are still the objects of the Devil's hatred and he in-
    duces their persecution as a further reproach to the name of the Almighty God.
    No doubt many Jews do wrong, but that is no reason or excuse for their persecu-
    tion. The present generation of Jews are in no wise responsible for what the
    Pharisees and others did nineteen centuries ago. Because of their name the Dev-
    il hates them and causes their cruel persecution." ("The Watchtower," Nov.15,
    1939, pp.16-18, "Jews")

    1940 (Date?) The following excerpts from Rutherford's booklet "CONSPIRACY

    ...further indicate what caused the conflicts and fighting his JWs sound
    trucks stirred up during the WWII era in a mostly Christian U.S.A.. Besides the
    irony of Rutherford's pose of cursing anything that isn't clearly supported
    scripturally, his message, emphasizing the damnation aspect of his exclusivist
    pose, can be summed up this way:

    Rutherford taught his followers his customized definitions to go with his
    pose: that "religion" was created by Satan soon after the last apostle died and
    is in direct opposition to the Bible. The Satanic religious and government al-
    lies are "Many Jews, Catholics, and so-called 'Protestants,'" notably the Catho-
    lic church, which he said "acts in full harmony and conjunction with the cruel
    dictators, including Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and others of like political am-
    bition. The head of that great religious organization is the adviser and close
    ally of Hitler, who has threatened to overrun all the democracies of the world."

    1946 A year after WW II, the late Rutherford's book "Let God Be True," used
    for the next eight years to make converts, blamed the Jews for much of the Jews
    own suffering:

    "Much of their suffering has been brought upon themselves by their com-
    mercial, rebellious course of action. They will ever be a target of assault
    by Satan and his agents until Armageddon cleanses the earth of all opposers
    of Messiah-Christ. Therefore, their only hope is to accept Jehovah's Mes-
    siah, Christ Jesus, and come under the protection of his kingdom."
    ("Let God Be True," J.A. Rutherford, 1946 edition, p.209--omitted in the re-
    vised 1952 edition)

    JWs leaders have a way with irony sometimes. The problems of the JWs follow-
    ers in Nazi Germany were largely brought on by the bogus prophet routine of
    their own leader, Rutherford, a highlight being when he threatened Hitler that
    he'd send the followers door to door with tracts critical of Hitler.

    Rutherford didn't just drop Russell's Christian Zionism, he refuted Rus-
    sell's prediction about 144,000 Jews in a restored Palestine and predicted that
    there wouldn't be a Jewish nation (we now know as Israel):

    "The facts and prophecies prove that the natural Jews will never again
    be a chosen, regathered people. They have as a people flagrantly rejected
    the Messiah, his truth and his kingdom. It is a false hope that they must
    be regathered to Palestine and be converted in mass to Jesus Christ prior
    to his second coming as a sign of the early establishment of his kingdom."
    "Jehovah's Witnesses and the Third Reich: Sectarian Politics Under Persecu-
    tion," James M. Penton, 2004, p.31

    I guess sympathy for persecution can be a transient thing.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I see myself as a movement lawyer and read extensively in the area. The WTS had segregated KHs in the South. When I was so young, this seemed to contradict the integrated KHs I knew in the North. I valued the integration-the brotherhood and sisterhood of all true Christians. I asked a co how that could be in complete shock. Jim Crow KHs were fine b/c they did not want to stumble white Souterhners. They chose to stumble blacks.

    They were never part of the civil rights movement. Most civil rights litigation involved the Fourteenth Amendment's due process and equal protectoin clauses and the civil rights legislation Congress enacted to further those amendments. Congress could require more than the face of the 14th amendment b/c the amendment gave Congress such power. The primary movers of the civil rights movement were the black churches in the South and Jewish orgs. that saw common interests. Sadly, it is very late in the day before any mainstream Christian groups participated with amicus briefs.

    The Witnesses extended First Amendment rights with the help of the ACLU. First Amendment deals with freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and similar matters. I am certain the Civil Rights Movement had incidental First Amendment claims. Since law school I see which groups submitted amicus groups and I don't ever recall the Witnesses submitting one. I don't have a statistical analysis going.

    I used to attend Civil Rights Leadership Conference meetings in the Senate. Stints at several groups as a law clerk exposed me to how the civil rights coalition works despite many interests. Groups will not press certain claims if it will hurt the litigation other groups are pursuing. Yes, the Witnesses advanced First A. law for themselves and not for anyone else. It is a joke to say they helped the civil rights movement. I attended demos. Am I a heroine of the movement?

    What are they telling white Southerners now? They did not have to go to court to integrate KHs in the South.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'm glad you posted this Blondie because I was shocked when I read about this years ago. The comment that was just absolutely awful was the comment about how "colored persons" practice descrimination to their own race. And that getting involved in it would just please the devil. What a bullshit excuse for discrimination.

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