What was the first thing you did...

by OneDayillBeFree 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • zengalileo

    The first thing I did was get laid, being a virgin up to that point. But giving blood was one thing I did soon after leaving.

  • sizemik

    Explained it all to my kids and apologised.

  • ranmac

    Enjoyed the crap out of my free evenings and mornings.

  • ohiocowboy

    I love reading threads like this! It proves even more that there is much happiness outside of the confines of a Cult. We are now happy, and free to express who we really are inside.

    The first thing I did was get laid, then got laid some more. I also eventually found family that I never got to see because they weren't JW's, and it has been nice having a relationship with them after so many years.

    The 2 door car comment was funny, and it reminded me of a time when I was a Reg. Pioneer and needed a vehicle. I found a guy who was selling a 1978 4 door Mercury Cougar as well as a 1967 Mustang Fastback. I had my choice of either one for $800. Being a pioneer, guess which one I picked? Yep, I ended up with the 4 door monstrosity that got about as much gas mileage as a Sherman Tank, and being such a big car I got to use it every day to schlep every one around for Field Service. Did the other Pioneers ever offer me gas money? Nope...

  • pghdjmarty

    In addition to all the things listed, there were two big things I did that took some courage to do. I got in touch with people who I had tried to convert to the JW belief system and apologized for my narrow minded, biased attitude toward them. Most were more forgiving than any JW would have ever been. Also, I started to approach people who were JWs if I saw them in public. I would (and still do) go up to them and say hello. If they would say that I wasn't allowed to talk to them, I would say "No, YOU're not ALLOWED to talk to me...no one tells me who I can and cannot talk to anymore."I guess it's my way of trying to show others how controlling the WTBTS really is. I also started to dj in "worldly" venues, not limiting myself to doing weddings where I was terrified that I might get pulled into the "blue room" for a song I might play that may offend someone. P.S. The first two weren't as much fun as the other things I started to do!

  • Robert7

    Tearing up my blood card was one of the first outward things I did as a start out. Next was registering to vote, and actually voting! Also donated blood, and still continue to do so... celebrated my kids' birthdays, and x-mas...

  • truth_b_known

    I did a slow fade over about a 3 year period. After I became completely inactive, the first thing I did was fulfill my dream of becoming a police officer. Even though that isn't exactly forbidden, I put that up as the first thing.

    Shortly after that I began to buy Christmas and birthday gifts for the kids. This was the first year my kids went trick-or-treating on Halloween. The past 2 Christmasses we even decorated the house.

    I registered to vote and I vote. I am very politcally active. I am a member of a local Republican club. I am currently helping 3 candidates with their election campaigns.

    I have no issue with saluting the flag when in uniform or saying the pledge of allegiance. If I were single and had no kids I would enlist as an Army reservist. My kids want to enlist and I am supporting their decision to do so.

    I feel that I am a better person now than I ever was because I am supporting my community and making real positive changes. That is infinitely greater than just telling people that God will make it all better one day.

  • Flicka

    I said Happy New Year to someone!

    Going to my first birthday party this Saturday. Still have to buy a birthday present - also for the first time.


  • DesirousOfChange

    Not much changed for me...My wife and I were already going into porn shops and cussing and being open minded.

    TOTH, I guess we were just marginal JWs.

    Lottery tickets, R-rated movies (even some adult movies), skinny dippin parties, concerts, drinking limits of our choosing (no driving), vacation house, convertible, holiday party. Hey! I guess we lived a double life.


  • Giordano

    First thing I did was to pull our publisher's cards, I was the servant in charge of them. Then we moved out of the town we were living in and 'disappeared'.

    First naughty thing we did was take a vacation and did not visit a kingdom hall instead went skinny dipping in the FLA Keys with a couple of ex pioneers (a couple) we were good friends with.....still have the slides of that vacation.

    First smart thing we did was for me to go to school and learn a trade and my wife to get her GED (high school degree) so she could take classes at a local college.

    Dumbest thing we did was to try to convince friends and family that leaving the JW was the right thing to do for us. Bang head against wall.

    Smartest thing we did was not look back............. and stay true to ourselves. Ultimately that was the real 'truth'.

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