Psalm 37:10 Wicked no more

by N.drew 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew

    You are cute!

    I am sorry you feel like you hate me... This comment stung but I will get over it.

    I did not feel like a hate you.

    I feel like I hate the WHOLE sometimes.

    My dad use to say "the hell with you then". That's when someone he was thinking of was denser than dense. It's ironic that the one who isn't dense feels dense because of the real dence one who doesn't know he/she/it is dense.

  • poopsiecakes

    Sin is considering yourself before the other person.

    Not sure where you got this notion, Nancy. Isn't it written somewhere to love your neighbor AS YOURSELF? I think the biggest sin is in constantly seeing yourself as second, third or fourth place. There's no sin in taking care of yourself and making yourself happy and sharing that feeling of security with those around you. Otherwise, people end up putting themselves down all the time striving for an impossible ideal which only makes them put down the world around them and getting all judgey and stuff...just a thought...

  • watersprout

    I did not feel like a hate you.

    I feel like I hate the WHOLE sometimes.

    Not sure what you mean by this.

    Poopsie, I agree... It's impossible to love another if you first do not love yourself...


  • N.drew
    Sin is considering yourself before the other person.

    I do not mean in the showing of kindness. I mean for the place. For instance if the planet were small and there were only 1000 places to be had (planet couldn't hold more) then considering yourself first would be manifest by taking the last place available instead of giving it to your neighbor. It means what you would do. Will you defer your place or will you own it? If you will own it then you prove yourself more worthy than your neighbor (in your own eyes). If BOTH of you submit to love, then GOD becomes the righteous judge.

  • N.drew

    A practical application of consider the other superior is when two people disagree. If both persons have a dearly held understanding of something or other the one showing that they consider the other person before the self will yield to the opposition (if possible) and let God be judge. Everything will be proved. Why insult the intelligence of the one who disagrees? But that does not mean that the one yeilding give up their personality. It means in all things consider God's glory, not your own. Let the TRUE GOD be between you and everybody else.

    Sure it takes practice!

  • cofty

    Psalms is poetry not doctrine. Get a feel for the overall themes, don't fixate on words.

    Ps 37:10 is simply one of many many texts in the OT that states the hope that all would work out well for good people and things will go badly for the wicked. At this period there was no concept of judgement after death, justice was expected in this one.

    When bad things happened to good people it was asssumed that they must have some secret sin - see Job's comforters as a classic example. When the wicked prospered it was reassuring to believe that their demise would come all of a sudden. The borg's favourite text about the light getting brighter is another example of the same hopeful refrain.

    It was a simplistic, homespun wisdom that experience proved to be fatuous. Bad stuff happened all the time to good people the wicked clearly prospered. Later after the exile we see the development of belief in an afterlife.

  • N.drew

    Are you talking about after life cofty?

    Think of human hearts in a grid. Do we not hate evil? We are suppose to. So then when every one figures that out then the wicked man (the one who would do harm to another) will not fit in the grid. It's quite simple really. I am taking about Earth, not the after-life. There is no one expecting me there. OK?

  • cofty

    Are you talking about after life cofty?

    I said precisely the opposite.

  • N.drew

    An after life instead of life on Earth. That is what I contend with. Belief in an after life is the enemy.

  • N.drew

    I have a wibble example. My daughter and I were in Georgetown. I love to people watch. All people are the same to me. So I wanted to go where we did not really belong. Because sometimes I don't care what people think of me. After one short glance around she said "I don't want to go here". It was the young and the beautiful set.

    Earth can be like that. But the opposite. Wicked won't like it so they won't come/go/be there. It's possible, isn't it?

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