Funny Watchtower Article on Homosexuality

by garbonzo 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • garbonzo

    “Transsexualism” is a word appearing with growing frequency in the news. A transsexual is not merely a transvestite (one who dresses in clothes of the opposite sex), nor necessarily a homosexual (though that may be the case). A transsexual is a person who rejects the sex with which he or she was born and takes up the life of the other sex. Claiming they were, in effect, “born in the wrong body,” many have undergone radical surgery and hormone treatments to attain a sexual transformation. An estimated 1,500 persons in the United States and about 150 in Britain have done so. What really do they accomplish? Is it possible to change a normal person (not a hermaphrodite of ambiguous sex) from one gender to another?

    The answer is, No. As Dr. Georges Burou, a French surgeon prominent in the field, says: “I don’t change men into women. I transform male genitals into genitals that have a female aspect. All the rest is in the patient’s mind.” (“Time,” Jan. 21, 1974, p. 64) In reality, the ultimate result is either a severely (and irreversibly) mutilated man who resembles a woman, or a severely (and irreversibly) mutilated woman who resembles a man.

    The increase of transsexualism is but one more facet of the spread of practices “contrary to nature” characterizing much of this present period. (Compare Romans 1:26.) The remedy for those with such inclinations is not surgery but a change in outlook, ‘being made new in the force actuating their minds’ with the aid of God’s Word. Eph. 4:22-24.

    I was looking something up in the Library, and came across this article. I found it funny and wanted to share. Total ignorance.

  • sabastious

    I remember watching a Dateline a really long time ago about this documented phenomenon (female brain inside male body vise versa). Their story is equally facinating and heartbreaking. The Witnesses seem to just give it a "huh?" reference here.


  • steve2

    garbonzo - when was the article published?

    Yes, it is funny - and would be even more so if it is a recent article. Over the years, I've read some truly ignorant articles on the subject, with many of them penned by other Christian groups. The worst ones imply that prayer and Bible study will fix the problem. If someone's dull enough to believe that, they deserve that kind of dumb belief system. The Watchtower, though, does not have a monopoly on poorly written and researched articles! Who can froget the venomous publications penned by the unscholarly Tim La Haye, the self-appointed voice of anti-gay America?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Of note, regardless of the date of the WT

    is that they obviously cherry picked the doctor to quote, that supports their attitude that is is "all in the mind"


  • irondork

    If a baby is born with an arm growing out of his belly button, the child should not pursue surgery to fix the problem but rather, he should change his outlook. He should read his bible more and submit to the force actuating his mind.

    Anyone outside of the GB has no business making such personal medical decisions for him/herself.


  • Jeffro

    It's not an article on homosexuality at all. Gender self-identification is not the same thing as sexual orientation.

    It is true that some people who get gender reassignment surgery may see it as a quick fix to make them happy about themself but still have the original emotional underlying issues afterwards as well as regrets about the surgery. But for others, the procedure may help them a great deal.

    It is, at least, good that the article acknowledges hermaphroditism. Though I suspect that the archaic Watch Tower Society wouldn't really be especially sympathetic concerning less obvious chromosomal disorders, let alone other possible psychological reasons, that might lead a person toward gender reassignment surgery.

  • Jeffro
  • Jeffro
    If a baby is born with an arm growing out of his belly button, the child should not pursue surgery

    Do a lot of babies pursue surgery?

  • designs

    In my time as an Elder I dealt with two individuals who were hermaphrodites. In college studying psychology, we had a semester on sexual orientation and interestingly watched an entire surgery on sex reassignment, about half the class passed out when the blade hit the skin.

  • glenster

    Orthodox/conservative Abrahmic believers tend to be curators for outdated
    ideas. Liberals tend to be better at keeping up to speed about the known
    proven things and related ethics (evolution, homosexuality, separation of
    church and state, etc.) God is possible beyond.

    Of the three main Abrahmic religions, the one with the highest % orthodox
    is Islam. The Qur'an describes homosexuality as an abomination to be punished.
    Even most liberal Muslims are Qur'an-Only, just reject hadiths, so just reject
    the idea of punishing homosexuals by human hands and leave it to the afterlife
    (if still causing stigma and discrimination in this life).

    Of Muslim countries that punish homosexuals, Iran is notable in causing
    over 4,000 executions since '79. It does allow transsexual surgery as an
    option, though.

    The Governing Body in not allowing transsexual operations as unnatural is
    harsher than Iran, which sees the operation as a cure. However, since Iran is
    harsher in punishment of homosexuality, it may cause some Iranians to have the
    operation who otherwise wouldn't in seeing it as preferable to death.

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