my diehard jw wife has never had a bible study...

by oompa 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    i mean how many of them really even want that?...most jws give away any interested person to a good ol pioneer..and not sure how many of them really want to make a disciple either....i mean she drives around endlessly with her chick friends...lots of starbucks...dunkin and kk...and they dont want a frikkin study....really?????...........just a vent...oompa

    btw in my legal divorce papers response today i did say she was not blameless...stated that chose to be part of a religious sect that shuns me totally since i am no longer a believer...and that it has caused me extreme distress and anxiety...

  • out4good3

    In my wife's entire witness career spanning some three decades, she has only had a handful of studies. Never brought one to baptism. Most of them fadded away or dropped her as soon as they figured out that their bills wouldn't be subsidized.

    All that preperation and door to door work.....a collassal waste of time and resources.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was desperate for one in fourth grade. Yeah, no one lined up to study the Bible with a young teen. I was expected to have one no matter what. My relatives all had studies. If I had a study, I would have been clueless as to how to conduct it and WT beliefs. I was fine with reading paragraphs and answering questions but I never saw a larger picture.

    I wish I could write a sitcom about being a Witness. If it were done correctly, it could be very popular, funny, and educational. I am certain there are broad themes that apply to almost any religion. I am not creative so I encourage anyone here. It could spread the message more than any other media. Look at Big Love.

  • serenitynow!

    I only had one. It lasted for a month max. We studied the Knowledge book. I abruptly ditched her after she showed up for the study drunk and/or high.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Yeah my mom has had a few, but most panned out to nothing. Only 2 that I know of reached baptism and one was DF'ed not long after. The other was a former family member (by marriage) that she got in contact with again years later. Another pioneer I know has had over 30 bible studies, and a lot have reached baptism, but last year I overheard a sister speaking on the phone in a store I was at and she was talking about one of those women and how she was sick and tired of "going to that Kingdom Hall". This sister also sounded discouraged, and judging from the conversation, the person she was talking to was as well.

    I myself have studied with 2 people. One was...shall we say...mentally unstable? The other was more biblically intelligent than I was, considering her father was a Baptist minister with his own congregation and that's how she was raised. She rebelled against the religion of her youth, but was still searching. I couldn't tell her anything she didn't already know...and on top of that, she was able to explains scriptures IN CONTEXT and keep on topic. she was very good at recognizing the cherry-picking to support doctrine. Eventually, an elder that was with me and my ex husband on the study told us that we "shouldn't bother anymore because she obviously just wants to argue and isn't humble enough to be taught". I think he was just mad that she made him look like a fool lol.

    oompa, it's good that you made sure that the courts know that this breakup of your marriage isn't entirely on you! They need to know that it was your refusal to believe the drivel anymore that made your wife turn her back on you. My heart goes out to you, as I've been there before. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It will take time, but the hurt does go away.

  • snare&racket

    As a pioneer I conducted quite a few. Most JWs don't and therefore don't realise that there is a very common link in those that choose to study. Studying can be very unpleasant, most studies are disturbed, depressed, emotionally or mentally scarred, lost a recent loved one (sometimes a jw) etc.

    Very rarely, you get a stable person studying. I NEVER EVER saw an intelligent informed person study.

    I helped about 7 become JWs, 2 I had a strong involvement in. Once my family is out, I will approach them and encourage them to critically appraise what I said and apologise.

    P.s. sorry to hear of your breakup Oompa. They are vile human beings and the eternal nothingness they will inherit in exchange for a lifetime of dictatorship is ironically rewarding.

  • rrb2016

    My Mom has been baptized since 1968 and has regularly gone out in service for over 40 years and NEVER had a "Bible" study or converted anyone...

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Hi Oompa

    regarding divorce and property settlement...DO NOT do what i did and be a walk-over. In my feeling guilty i gave her EVERYTHING. I am talking 100% settlement her way.

    She still came back later claiming to the child support agency that it was 60/40!

    Dont trust her, dont give her a red cent more than she is entitled to. Thats not being mean, thats being FAIR to both sides.


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I gave everything too or should I say was givin 0%. It's good you don't take all the blame!

    ummm I was a die hard had studies but YYEYEYEEYYE! the only ones that went to the pool were kids of JW's or ones that would have regardless of who studied with them....

  • ~Question With Boldness~
    ~Question With Boldness~

    My mother, in for almost 20 years, had one. And my mom ended up dropping her in a few months because she did not show enough interest in "progressing spiritually."

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