CO visit. New light

by 2tone 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • 2tone

    If you want to skip to the new light or understanding, its underlined for you pleasure.

    I think some will find this interesting. We had the CO tonight. During his talk my jaw about hit the floor. At the start of the kingdom hall we had the bookstudy. We had chapter 15 which is another one to glorify the governing body again. Then the CO had his talk called "Cherish your Place in the Congregation Relationship." In his talk he said that we have new understanding on subjects. Ill start off with the notes I have and fill in the blanks.

    Lev. 16:17 The day of atonement no other men should lie in the tent, high priest only provide direction for the entire congregation. He went into some bs about aaron sons getting killed by Jehovah for entering near the ark. I was thinking yeah right, what really happended was a priest got pissed that some young kids were horsing around playing in the temple and killed them. They then passed it on as if Jehovah killed them for what bad thing they had done. Its kind of like a child running up to the stage during the kingdom hall only to hear them getting beat in the backroom. Were supposed to have Unified arrangement around the high priest wordwide congregation. Christ Brothers Psalms 133:1,2 unity soothing oil, oil used for chapped lips. He gave this stupid illustration how the brothers are like oil for your chapped lips or oil for all your problems in this system of things.

    Matt 25:31 Jesus said when the son of man, kingly throne 1914. The CO said we have NEW UNDERSTANDING or new light. Previously we had thought the throne talked about in matt 25:31, Jesus had already took that throne in 1914. The new idea is that he hasn't taken that throne yet. This is kind of odd to me because how many thrones could Jesus have? He said that Jesus has two thrones one he took in 1914 and one he will take in the future. I presume he will take his second throne sometime around armageddon.

    Matt 25:32 Then he talked about how Jesus would separate sheep from goats. At the end it says "lest you gave some of my brothers something to eat" We have new understanding on who these brothers that were suppose to give something to eat. Any guesses on who these brothers we are suppose to clothe or give something to eat to. Well, there are seven specific brothers that we are suppose to listen to and obey everything they say. None other than the GOVERNING BODY. Unless you obey the governing body you will lose your life at armageddon. This is when my jaw hit the floor. I thought I was supposed to be worshipping Jehovah not the Governing body WTF.

    It gets better. In this talk he says can we see Jesus. Well, NO we cant see Jesus. He says can we see the faithful and discrete slave. He says no the FDS DOES NOT HAVE A PHYSICAL FORM and we cannot see them. Instead we have 7 governing body members that represent the faithful and discrete slave.

    He said our life will be judged on whether we listended to the governing body. Then he went on a spiel about Men, sisters, and young ones. I got the impression that he wanted men to step up and take the lead. I was like for what why would I want that lol.

    Sorry my notes are a little crappy at times but I think you will get the idea.


    Forgot this - He specifically said that Jehovah talks to Jesus. Jesus in turns talks to the governing body. The governing body talks to us. What makes them any different than the pope? Then he said every wednesday the governing body meets and personally decides where every CO and DO will go in the world. That they do this because they care about us and have a special relationsip with us.

  • jwfacts

    Matt 25:31 Jesus said when the son of man, kingly throne 1914. The CO said we have NEW UNDERSTANDING or new light. Previously we had thought the throne talked about in matt 25:31, Jesus had already took that throne in 1914. The new idea is that he hasn't taken that throne yet. This is kind of odd to me because how many thrones could Jesus have?

    That makes sense to me, as I always thought that if Jesus is supposed to rule for 1000 years, and paradise is for 1000 years, then he cant really have taken rulership till the paradise begins.

    He says no the FDS DOES NOT HAVE A PHYSICAL FORM and we cannot see them. Instead we have 7 governing body members that represent the faithful and discrete slave.

    That does not make sense. Since the FDS are the remnant on earth we can see them as easily as we can the GB. The GB really are trying to gather all glory for themselves and leave the remnant out in the cold.

  • 2tone

    jwfacts - CO said he had two thrones. The one he took in heaven in 1914 and one he will soon take in the very near future. Armageddon I presume.

  • TheWanderer

    That's a pretty convenient bit of revisionist history, lol. Not to mention covering up the old bit about the generation who saw 1914 will not pass away without seeing Armageddon, etc.

    Wow, that's some blatant idolatry right there... hopefully it will be enough to people like my family to finally realize this is NOT God's truth, just another religion of man.

    ...but sadly, probably not...

  • Azazel

    2tone thank so much for the time and effort to post what the Circus Overseer said.

    CO's have a reasonable amount of leeway in their outlines, thats why some CO can make a boring subject sound interesting while others just make boring even more boring! Im sure we all know the types. Some let their own ideas come out but sounds like thats direct from the GB.

    I could go where the salve would be needed after listening to that but this is a christian site so i will choose to refrain. lol

    Do you have CO visits every 3 months? They announced it here last co visit that the next was 3 months away and nobody seemed to flinch?

    I have the Circus assembly this weekend!

    Im sure this new info will be coming out officially in print soon. The GB are circling the wagon for the onslaught of negative publicity thats heading their way this year.

    2tone please keep us informed.

    Azazel ( yes im a goat but friendly except for Trolls who lurk under bridges!)

  • poopsiecakes

    Call me crazy but the more they change stuff they’ve preached for years about when the blessed great tribulation of death is actually coming, the more they’re subconsciously preparing people that it won’t happen in their lifetime. All their talk about ‘soon’ and ‘never been closer’ and crap is only that - crap, and they know it. Fred Franz needed the 7,000 year creative day to be true in order for 1975 to be in any way viable. It was ‘ok’ to extend the end from 1975 for a few years but now it’s getting ridiculous. Then they changed the ‘generation’ to refer only to the anointed and then to the overlapping nonsense. If this is truly ‘new light’ and not some whacked out CO on GB pills, then they truly are pulling away not only from the 7,000 year notion (which has already been strongly implied) but also from 1914 - it’s inevitable. 2014 is closing in and don’t think they don’t know it. Better to drip and drab the idea that it’s still a long way away to rest in the subconscious of the r&f while pushing the ‘any day now’ notion on the surface. This way, the next crop of JW’s can carry on the grand old tradition of worshipping the GB, which is the real intent.

  • 2tone

    I forgot something else. When he was cracking women and young ones lol. I hate that term "young ones." Why not children, kids, or teenagers.

    Anyways. He said sisters this system puts a pressure on you to fulfill a career. Dont forget your duties at home and working out in service. This system is falling and starting a career is illegitimate to Jehovah. Just the usual bashing of education etc. Interestingly enough my family is the most educated in the hall. We all have degrees. My family didnt say anything about the talk

  • 2tone
  • EntirelyPossible

    Jesus has overlapping thrones?

    Seriously, I can see this a move to say that he didn't invsibly return in 1914, but that he only started ruling in heaven, pushing things out further.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    When I left the Borg over 10 years ago, I was concerned then about the status the GB and the FDS were given over actual worship of God.

    This info, plus all the other accounts of the importance the GB over God has been given in their publications including their new songbook, is sickening. Surely the rank and file JW sees this? If a person wants to worship God, not man, what choice would they be given but to leave?

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