The Governing Body: the Harderliners versus the Moderates

by Londo111 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111

    I was reading the rumors of the 2001 infighting and the near overthrow of the Blood doctrine--and because of 9/11, the Hardliners won the day.

    That made me wonder: Which ones on the Governing Body are the Hardliners and which are the Moderates?

    Of course, it could well be that even the Moderates have to tow the company line and not speak up, or else they will be shown the door just like Brother Ray Franz was.

    Maybe this goes off the subject, but I do remember a few years ago a Governing Body member came to my circuit assembly--I forgot his name. He seemed kind of young, brownish hair. I was so excited…but after hearing his talks, I never felt so weighed down and discouraged.

    He spoke of the 'our' favorite complaint of "I didn't like the way that was handled." When he said it, there seemed to be a slight derision below the surface toward any who would say this. He also mentioned how the Society makes him wear a suit when traveling and they won't drive him to the airport unless he is properly dressed. It did make me wonder at the time--he is on the Governing Body, what human is over him?

  • leavingwt

    The 'moderates' should do more Bible reading. Jehovah is not going to weep when he slaughters tens of millions of Asian children in the WT version of Armageddon.

    Make no mistake, Jehovah is a Hardliner.

    When Jesus returned to Heaven, I picture Jehovah counseling him for having gone soft, while on Earth.

    In all seriousness, however, now that Jaracz is dead, they're all 'moderate', by comparison, IMHO.

  • botchtowersociety
    When Jesus returned to Heaven, I picture Jehovah counseling him for having gone soft, while on Earth.

    LOL! Jesus would never even get accepted to Bethel!

  • LostGeneration

    I don't think there is any way to know for sure right now. Everyone that was there when Ray was on the GB is dead now.

    From what I have picked up on the forums over the past few years, Ted Jaracz pretty much was the hardliner that barked orders, and supposedly none of the new breed were approved without his blessing. I thought when he passed away that things would moderate a bit, but the last year of WT articles has shown nothing like that, in fact they are becoming more demanding. I would personally speculate that there aren't but one or two moderates, the rest are hard liners following the example set by Teddy.

    They are in "circle the wagons" mode now. No ideas, no progress, simply hold on to the sheep they have now and beat them into submission. Coerce the born-ins into baptism at a young age, sell the property in Brooklyn and kick back until they receive their heavenly calling die.

  • slimboyfat

    I was reading the rumors of the 2001 infighting and the near overthrow of the Blood doctrine--and because of 9/11, the Hardliners won the day.

    That sounds interesting, where was that discussed?

    Splane and Loesch sound like hardliners going by what some have said on the forum. Not sure I have heard any of the others called moderates. With the recent death of Jack Barr maybe the last of the moderates are now gone.

  • Londo111
  • slimboyfat

    Unfortunately there appear to be a lot of dead links on that page, but it does look very interesting stuff I have not seen before.

  • designs

    Even the kindest looking guy on the GB thinks its just grand for you to die as a martyr for his religion.

  • slimboyfat

    The link to Leolaia's Stauros article on the homepage doesn't work either, which is a big shame.

  • Londo111

    Maybe the site owner needs to be prodded to fix...

    Still, lots of good stuff there.

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