News Item!! The Biblical NT story has been PROVEN to be a hoax!!

by Jack C. 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jack C.
    Jack C.

    OK I lied; there's no such news item. However, imagine for a minute that it was indeed fact and that the evidence was irrefutable that the New Testiment account in the Bible was proven to be a hoax started by the early Constantine government and perpetuated by the church over the centuries. Now, if you are of the Atheist persuation it seems plausable that your reaction would be something similar to "I told you so" and that life would go on pretty much as usual. However how would those of you here who still maintain faith in the New Testiment story and prophesy handle this information on a personal basis? Would your faith in a Creator and any hope for some kind of eternal salvation be weakened, shaken or even shattered? If you still maintained your faith, what would be the basis? How would you comfort family and friends whom would quite likely to be devestated and lost due to this huge revelation? Are there any here that presently have a strong faith in God and an afterlife whose faith would not be shaken by a disproven bible? How would you maintain your faith and how would convey that faith to others without any use or reference to a discredited bible and savior?

    Of course this is just a simple exercise but it does seem to be relevant to anyone who maintains any kind of believe in a God or Creator. It seems that in nearly any situation where believers (particularly Christians) are discussing their faith the vast majority are completely lost without a bible or reference to it. How many feel that the bible or some other form of holy book is absolutely essential for faith in God? How many relevant esoteric conversations have you ever had with believers without the use of the bible?

    Jack C.

  • Qcmbr

    Never underestimate an idiots ability to adapt.

  • cantleave

    The Earth is 4.5 billion years old old fact!! But there are still some morons who would rather believe a book written by ignorant bronze age goat herders, that it is just a few thousand years old.

  • Qcmbr

    The usual trick is to raise the bar of proof for science even higher ( even one dissenting voice vaguely related to some scientific discipline will be seized upon as evidence that the proof is flawed ) while lowering the bar of proof for the religion - just have more faith, wait on J.!

  • Ucantnome

    "However, imagine for a minute that it was indeed fact and that the evidence was irrefutable that the New Testiment account in the Bible was proven to be a hoax started by the early Constantine government and perpetuated by the church over the centuries.

    Would your faith in a Creator and any hope for some kind of eternal salvation be weakened, shaken or even shattered?"

    I don't think my belief in a Creator would be shattered. If I believed in a Creator I think I would still have hope. If you don't believe the NT. I think you can still believe in an Almighty God. If you do away with all Holy Books I think the possibility of God's existence would still be viable option and one that would give me more hope than atheism.

  • Ucantnome

    How would you maintain your faith and how would convey that faith to others without any use or reference to a discredited bible and savior?

    If there was no bible and no saviour then God would probably have a different plan. As I cannot imagine one it's hard to comment.

    I think if I had no evidence in my personal life of a God and I believed in God then I think I would reason along the lines of did he create everything simply for nothing or does he have a purpose. However as this is not the case and we do have the bible etc. It's not easy to step out of the reality and view it independently anymore than it is to step out of my own brain and examine my thoughts independent from my thought process.

  • ProdigalSon

    It may not seem like it, but anyone who is anybody in this world, and I say that tongue-in-cheek because I'm talking about the Power Elite, whose only basis for human worth are money and power, are Zionist Jesus-worshiping fools. They and their media control consciousness on this planet. They have created the ultimate potential for the "Clash of Civilizations" with their three utterly ridiculous Abrahamic religions.

    The only thing that will convince believers that the New Testament is a hoax is an admission by them, which will never happen, or exposure by a force more powerful than they are. It may in fact take nothing less than disclosure by visitors from other worlds that the Vatican admits do indeed exist, or the collapse of their global empire by some others means.


    Very simple: Produce the dead body of Jesus of Nazareth and I will become an atheist. No other religions founders handled man's problem, death, like he did.

  • poopsiecakes

    Very simple: Produce the dead body of Jesus of Nazareth and I will become an atheist. No other religions founders handled man's problem, death, like he did.

  • Ding

    The question in the original post seems to be, "If the whole NT were proven to be false, then would that shake your faith?"

    That way that's phrased, it's almost a tautology. It's basically saying, "If the NT were proven to be false, would you believe it is false?"

    That said, it would still be possible to believe in God based on other things, such as the kalam argument, the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, the moral argument, and so on.

    There would also still be strong evidence for the existence of Jesus and the claims his followers made about him from non-biblical sources such as the Talmud, Josephus, Tacitus, and Pliny the Younger.

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