This would come in VERY handy for some of us with JC's on the horizon...

by Morbidzbaby 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • sooner7nc

    That stupid thing will only end up costing your family all of their possessions when the survivors of the massacre institute a civil suit...

    Survivors? What survivors. If you're going to do something do it right.

  • ziddina

    Ah, Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    The wives and children of the elders, silly!!!

    Who would LOVE to suck all the money out of YOUR family for the "senseless, unnecessary tragedy" [caused by "Satan" working through a dayyamed apostate, by the way...]

    By suing your family - and obtaining a juicy settlement, they can go out and "pioneer" and bring still MORE victims into the cancer!!!

    Can't you just see the typical elder's widow... Crying tears - real or 'crocodile' - while basking in her martyrdom and declaring her intent to continue "fighting the fine fight", in memory of her darling departed elder husband... And so she'll 'see' him again after "Armageddon"...

    Trust me.... Killing elders isn't NEARLY as effective as COSTING THEM MONEY.... And for that matter, that same 'value' system exists at Bethel, too....

    "Mother" Watchtower can get away with setting up German witnesses to be victims of Hitler; setting up Malawiian Witnesses to be victims of that despot, but DON'T even THINK of attempting to confiscate the ever-sacred Watchtower real-estate holdings and buildings!!!!


    Money before life... That's how they think.... That's THEIR weak spot...

    And THAT is the most effective place to HIT them...!!

    Zid - who is THOROUGHLY a She-Devil...

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Put an mp3 recorder or FM transmitter in one of these.

  • SadElder

    As of recent times, note taking by the subject of the inquisition (uh... read that committee meeting) is not permitted. No recordings, no note taking, no ombudsmen, no attorney. Simply listen to the all knowing elders and knuckle under to the opinion (truth) of the month.

    I'd really like to know if anyone has had an attorney show up at a JC meeting.

  • ziddina

    I'd say hire a decent paralegal - less costly than an attourney, I think - and show up with him/her, and the elders be damned!!!

    If I hadn't disassociated myself, I'd do that in a heartbeat!!

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