March 15, 2012 Watchtower gives good advice to apostates ...

by wannabefree 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Azazel

    Its like there is a hair trigger set up in their mind that triggers mind shutters on the slightest thing that doesn't sound right to them.

    I know back in the day if i came across something apostate (normal free thought stuff Now cause i know) i could sniff it a mile away.You know the taste of your Kool-aid and cant be tricked by another type.

    The way to them is from the inside out, they are a religion of followers of an Organization and cannot free think for themselves(mostly) but need to see irefutable evidence ie UN scandle from the UN and Newspapers to question the actions of this org they have invested their life in.

    as exwhyzee says tread very, very lightly or else the shutters come up!

  • trueblue

    If you beat around the bush you catch no birds... HotForWords - Beat around the Bush! - YouTube

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    wannabefree: whether in context or not, a person can apply there logic either way. So page 13 par 15 is indeed good advice for apostates.

  • trueblue

    WTS, you mien you woke me up to sell a magazine after what you did to my familly. you piss me offf with lyrics - YouTube

  • WTWizard

    The washtowel uses that to excuse making rules and suckering people in. You only need to study an hour a week to live forever. Then, you need one boasting session, then all of them. Then, it's giving up things you cherish--usually during the next 3-6 months. Then, it is field circus. Then it's baptism--after which they slam the door on you. By then, it is too late--any attempt to escape results in houndings and worse.

    Now, if anyone is working on getting someone out of the cancer, it works as well in reverse. You start with one little point, perhaps a doctrine that blatantly contradicts the Bible but requires little action. At this point, they start seeing other doctrines that contradict the Bible or other doctrines, and pretty soon they wonder if this is the truth after all. Given enough time, and assuming the hounders don't make them miserable and threaten them with their families and/or livelihoods, someone might just start doing the steps, in reverse order, that led them in the cancer in the first place.

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