Why did Jesus appoint the "Faithful and Discrete Slave"

by Yan Bibiyan 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Larsinger58

    The "doctrine" of the FDS is idolotrous. At first the WTS via the "7th Volume" proclaimed that C.T. Russell was the "faithful and wise servant." Later they lie and claim this connection came from some of the brothers. But since when has any brothers thought independently of the WTS. No, instead, it was official WTS doctrine from 1917-1927 that CT Russell was the FWS/FDS.

    But Rutherford needed this title transferred to himself, so he claimed it was a general reference to the governing body or whomever was in charge of the organization. The WTS in turn called those assigning that title to Russell as "creature worship." Of course, if that title made a god out of Russell, a single person, assigning that to the entity of the governing body doesn't change that, it just makes the God a multi-headed god.

    Now remember, Jesus sent out TEN slaves, and the WTS is just one of them. The WTS is more in reference because it is like the tribe of Levi within the "chosen people"; the tribe of Levi was devoted to the priesthood and the temple. Likewise, within Christendom, the WTS became the "temple in its right condition" from 1886-1996. But since it became the "evil slave" and "man of lawlessness" a lot of the references to them are negatve.


    Answer: Jesus Christ himself!

    The WTS failed to attain this designation, which is not even assigned until the job is done. When their assignment is done, then is when they are declared faithful or unfaithful. At any rate, the WTS is apostate and cast out. The GB was officially "disfellowshipped" from Jehovah's Heavenly Organization on November 10, 1992. Remember, the man of lawlessness must be revealed before the 2nd coming. The 2nd coming occurred 45 days later on December 25, 1992. At any rate, it turns out that Jesus Christ himself is the FDS! How so?

    Remember the illustration of how the father asks two sons to do some work and the older son agreed to do it, but didn't, but the younger son first refused but then had a change of heart and did it? Then it was asked, who then was truly faithful? Well the same goes here. This is a parallel to the Rich Man and Lazarus. At first, Lazarus is spiritually dead, rejected, and disfellowshipped from God's organization which has in charge the Rich Man, responsible for providing spiritual food at the proper time. But in the end, the Rich Man gets caught up with buliding new storehouses, that is, building new Kingdom Halls and ignores the spiritual things and thus they are calling for his death. Thus a change in favor happens. Suddenly Lazarus, once rejected, is now in the bosom position of the Father and has all the knowledge. The Rich Man is in torment with his tongue dry and parched by all his false teachings. Thus Lazarus ends up in the end being the "faithful and discreet slave" and Jehovah then assigns him all his belongings.

    Sp the true faithful and discreet slave whom is in charge of all of God's belongings ends up being Jesus Christ himself at the second coming. He proves faithful (though stumbled at first) in the end, whereas the GB ends up becoming apostate and rejected. So the second part of that reference refers to them. They are the ones who beat their fellow slaves after they surmise their master is delaying. They were expecting him around 1975 and then at the end of the 1914-generation around 1994, but no show. In the meantime, they have become a god in God's own house and part of that is adopting the adolatrous title of the FDS which once belonged to C.T. Russell.

    In other words, if I'm the true 2nd-coming messiah, then I myself am the "faithful and discreet slave" who will inherit all the universe.

    I am faithful because I don't put up with no Biblie jive! My motto is: If it ain't right, you're in for a fight!


  • cedars

    Lars, so you're the world's first kung fu Messiah? What happened to swords and plowshares?

    In other words, if I'm the true 2nd-coming messiah, then I myself am the "faithful and discreet slave" who will inherit all the universe.

    I am faithful because I don't put up with no Biblie jive! My motto is: If it ain't right, you're in for a fight!


  • designs

    Lars and Kim Jong Un should team up...

  • wasblind

    So where was Jesus when the WTS stated :

    " Have not the Jehovah's witesses made errors in their teachings ??? "____ reasoning book page 136

    shouldn't Jesus have proof read this stuff before it was sent to the press?

    they "claim" Jesus appointed them did they not ????

    remember now, the apostles were mere humans who taught it right the first time

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