Why did Jesus appoint the "Faithful and Discrete Slave"

by Yan Bibiyan 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Well, according to the 2012 March 15 (Overly) Simplified Watchower, it is to "..give us Bible publications".

    I kid you not! On page 29, under subheading 4 it says:

    "Jesus has appointed “the faithful and

    discreet slave” to give us Bible publications."

    BTW, completely ommited in the "regular" WT.

  • designs

    7500 trees used each month for the 'publications'.

  • mariemcg

    God will bring ruin to those ruining the earth..

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Seriously, Jesus is probably doing cartwheels now, "happified" by the printing mandate granted to the GB.

  • Knowsnothing

    I think the GB isn't even trying to hide what they are anymore. It's full frontal now. Obey us, or else. No hidden message. Just do it.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Amazing how the parable about the 'faithful & discreet slave' evolved into the doctrine it is today. Don't recall any other parable being made such an important part of the WTS theology. It's funny.....but, I remember when first joining how it was stressed in FS that JW's don't have a clergy class.

    Think About It

  • designs

    Knownothing- you are on to the essentials with the Org., I think with Knorr he knew it was flim-flam but this new crop of GB didn't get the memo that it was an inside joke.

  • 00DAD

    Knowsnothing: It's full frontal now.

    As in a full-frontal lobotomy!


  • Knowsnothing

    @ thinkaboutit, they don't have a clergy class, they have Popes and Laymen.

    @ designs, it's all one big joke.

    @ 00DAD, LOL. There is another avenue full-frontal goes down.... I have a dirty mind, it needs to be cleansed with the newest washtowel Bible publications.

  • MrFreeze

    Could you imagine if another religion nut-group were to say that? I wonder what JW's would say about that...

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