Is the Watchtower so assured of its members' loyalty it can do and say as it pleases?

by truthseeker 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I don't know how any of you feel about this, but is it possible the Watchtower Society is so self-assured of its members' loyalty that it no longer cares what it says or does anymore?

    One example would be the constant admonition to practically worship the faithful and discreet slave.

    Another is changing the end of the calling of the anointed from 1935 to no fixed date, allowing the number of anointed to be at its highest for over 40 years.

    What about the overlapping generations? Most non-JWs, if pointed out the inconsistencies, would see the folly of this latest understanding, yet the rank and file swallow it, hook, line and sinker.

    Such changes are almost blatant, in your face, yet where is the anger, the rage, at yet another move of the goal posts?

    Is the WT so confident of the loyalty of its sheep that it no longer cares about its reputation?

  • factfinder

    I think the new gb have no clue as to what to do and are desperate.

    It does seem though that the majority of publishers will stick with the org no matter what, either because they really do believe its God's channel, or they are afraid to leave and have to start all over again in the "world". Perhaps some feel they have given too much of their lives to obeying the slave to give up now and they come up with whatever excuse they need to, to justify their loyalty to the slave. If they have been in for decades its a lifestyle, and they may just want to continue with that lifestyle regardless of how they feel about changing teachings, etc.

    I wonder if the gb really BELIEVE they are backed by Jehovah?

  • OnTheWayOut

    They are not so self-assured. They constantly battle for the minds and attempt to restrict the flow of information to the members.

    They practically banned the internet and outside research. They do ban gathering information from former members.

    But they gotta say something. There isn't much point in running a dangerous mind-control cult without inserting some kind of dominance in a semi-worship sort of way. I mean, Hitler wanted "Heil Hitler" from everyone. It's kind of silly, but that was his power. The GB says some stuff to get their jollys power.

    The anointed thing. It's a no-win situation for them. They had to open the door on the heavenly calling, the same as they had to abandon the "1914 generation" doctrine. It's kind of hard to extend the GB control with all "replacements." They are either going to drive the number down somehow or simply keep mentioning how so many are unstable or converted out of Christendom without a proper understanding.

    The Overlap Generation. That is just nuts. They must have a plan to drive the fear of Armageddon's being right around the very next corner over the top to the members. But I think a monkey and a typewriter could have come up with something better than the overlap. I think the only other possible explanation besides "They are just nuts" is that WTS wants to shake things up to reveal the not-so-loyal members and will settle for a smaller, more loyal core membership.

  • Azazel

    truthseeker your right they are able to write as they like because no-one within will question them or if they do they will be removed.

    You know when the first efforts of Russel (and many many others) to understand the Bible , for them the light must have given them a warm feeling as their understanding led to accurate knowledge.

    Somewhere they lost that it? im not sure exactly where or when or by whom.

    Now the "light " is in their minds(jw) so bright they cannot see or even comprehend anything else but that all blinding light they recieve via WTS.

    I would never have been able to see the real truths if they hadnt DF me and forced me away from their blinding light.They did me a favour by the way.Now im able to attend KH with my spiritual sunglasses on so as to not get blinded again. Really saddens me to see a hall near full of blind disciples.How Jesus must feel to see this happen to Christians?

    My thoughts of course and in no way preaching to others.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I think the bean counters are desperate and lean on the GB to plump up the numbers

    I think the JWs would buy tins of GB shit too if it was sold through the WT magazine.

    The irony is that if say, Harold Camping had come out with the overlap generation the JWs would have mocked him without mercy over it... but because it was in the bible watchtower, it was swallowed as 'new light'


  • WTWizard

    The members might be too deeply in it. However, how many have had success in recruiting people from the field (that is, anyone with half a brain) using the "a generation" definition they have currently? And, let a worldly person get a look at the new Sing to Jehovah songbook and read the lyrics. Anything that blatantly worships the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is bound to disqualify that religion. The religion claims zero tolerance for idolatry, yet they worship the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. And, sing to Jehovah when they praise the leaders of the religion ahead of Jesus? Hardly.

    I can remember a time when it was at least defendable. They placed the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger just under Jehovah and Jesus--so we were to worship Jehovah as the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger claimed was correct. That was bad enough, but at least the arrangement could be defended. But now, they are putting the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger ahead of Jehovah, and definitely ahead of Jesus--how is anyone going to believe that? And the rags--the washtowel study has a minimum of scriptures and a maximum of rules. At least, when they were making parallels between what happened in the Old Testament, it sort of made sense to an average new recruit that is not well versed with the Bible.

    They can be 100% assured that the members will be totally loyal. But, what good will that do them when they get old and die, without any money to leave the religion, and no one is coming in through the field to replace them?

  • cedars

    Sometimes I wonder whether the more ludicrous and inexplicable the teaching, the more acceptable and popular it will be among rank and file Witnesses. There seems to be a general spirit of "well, nobody else but the Faithful Slave could have thought of that!" If it makes sense and is logical, it's almost considered too 'simple' to be true.

    "Keeping up with new light" has become a competition akin to a dog chasing its tale. The main goal seems to be related to how much of the rubbish you can actually retain and explain to others, rather than any genuine attempt at uncovering and understanding profound biblical teachings.


  • irondork

    ‘I sit a queen... and I shall never see mourning.’

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    They are full of shit and afraid everyone will find out...that's why so much control over the already brain washed.

    It's a simple plan...control the massess by keeping them ignorant. Most dictatorships work the same way.

    They cannot believe their own hype...unless they are that stupid themselves.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The ones I've talked to lately still have a loyal facade, but they're not keen on supporting the overlapping generation doctrine.

    They are frightened of the consequences of admitting exchanging lifetimes as good christians or athiests for lifetimes of religious bigotry and deliberate dishonesty.

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