
by stillin 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Morbidzbaby

    Regarding Penile Cancer, it is even more rare than male breast cancer. From the American Cancer Society:

    Circumcision is the removal of a part or all of the foreskin at birth or later on in life. This practice has been suggested as conferring some protection against cancer of the penis by contributing to improved hygiene. However, the penile cancer risk is low in some uncircumcised populations, and the practice of circumcision is strongly associated with socio-ethnic factors which in turn are associated with lessened risk. The consensus among studies that have taken these other factors into account is that circumcision is not of value in preventing cancer of the penis. It is important that the issue of circumcision not distract the public's attention from avoiding known penile cancer risk factors -- having unprotected sexual relations with multiple partners (increasing the likelihood of human papillomavirus infection) and cigarette smoking.

    So there ya go. Nippin' the tip has nothing to do with preventing has more to do with other risk factors, INCLUDING not taking care of your dick! Making sure it's clean and free of debris and smegma. Men who develop Phimosis (which is when the foreskin constricts and has a hard time retracting, thus making cleaning difficult) are much less likely to be keeping up with hygiene, therefore causing the condition themselves. This IS a risk factor for penile cancer. However, the fact they are not circumcised matters's the fact that they are dirty and not cleaning themselves regularly and properly. Men who are circumcised and don't wash regularly are also at risk for fungal and bacterial infections in the skin of their penis. It's all about taking care of yourself, not lopping off skin. Women have a smegma-like substance in their nether-regions, too...but no one in the civilized world would suggest cutting off a woman's clitoral hood to prevent infections. It's the same thing.

  • Glander

    Jehovah, was not so gentle with gentiles genitals. (from an older thread)

    What was the significance of all the focus on the foreskin? The WT has tried to make a case that it was God's wisdom for humans health to remove it, even though God created man with it. A design flaw followed by a manufacturers recall? The health angle has been proven untrue. And the practice by the Israelites of mutilating the dead Philistines by cutting off the foreskins and bringing them back to the King. etc etc. What the hell?

  • Larsinger58

    Jehovah is a perfect God who made a penis with a foreskin. Then, Jehovah changed his mind?

    I say Jehovah is a fickle old god.

    For millions of years, man has evolved with a foreskin. The foreskin stays in tact, I say.


    Good point. Why is the foreskin there in the first place, and why does the anatomy of the male change on the 8th day? The purpose of the foreskin is in reference to a promise of God to man that Satan would be removed from suppressing mankind on the 8th day, that is, the 8th 1000-year long day.

    Even in esoteric paganism, the foreskin is associated withi Satan, literally. It relates to the top of the seeing-eye pyramid which is like the foreskin on top of the penis. In the "Mysteries" the Phrygian cap, which resembles foreskin, represents Satan. It is the type of cap worn by Mithras. It symbolically represents high intelligence and insight.

    Mithras foreskin cap

    Notice how the Phrygian cap resembles foreskin.

    At any rate the removal of the foreskin on the 8th day, which accomplies an increase in vitamin-K, a blood clotting factor, represents God's promise to remove Satan from over the heads of mankind on the 8th day. Huh?

    Basically, man was created just the very beginning of the 7th Creative Day which is 7000 years long. Satan has been active in mankind's affairs for close to 6000 years after which he is abyssed for 1000 years. Then he is let loose for a short while before being destroyed. After that, the Bible speaks of God making "all things new" (Rev. 21:5) which is a catch-phrase for the beginning of the 8th Creative Day, which coincides with the 8th 1000-year day since the creation of man.

    But as noted above, Satan is killed just before the beginning of the the 8th creative day and the 8h 1000-years of man's existence. So circumcision on the 8th day represents the removal Satan's rule and influence over mankind on the 8th day of man's existence after 7000 years of Satanic influence (though there is a 1000-year interruption in that pe


    So based on that, the foreskin is a physical symbolic gesture created by Jehovah to represent how long he would allow Satan to have "headship" over mankind, and promptly removed on the 8th day.

    Soo... Jehovah did not change his mind, he's fickle or senile. It represents Satan's claim to superiority over mankind for 7000 years and its removal on the 8th day represents Satan's removal on the 8th day of mankind's existence, where each day is 1000 years.

    So now you know. The beautiful penis is a circumcised penis.

  • poopsiecakes

    oy vey you crack me up, Lars

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Jesus having leprosy and wearing stinky ointments. Circumcision has to do with creative days which are easy to calculate. I'd love to know how long it took to locate the sculptural image. This site has some very creative members. You have to give them due and their chutzpah.

  • Larsinger58

    Jesus having leprosy and wearing stinky ointments. Circumcision has to do with creative days which are easy to calculate. I'd love to know how long it took to locate the sculptural image. This site has some very creative members. You have to give them due and their chutzpah.

    ROFL! With all due respect, what you consider "chutzpah" (if I'm understanding you correctly) is more of an educational gap. What someone knows might seem a surprise if it new to someone who doesn't. For instance, the Rodney King beating. Anybody who is black in L.A. was not shocked at all by RK getting beat up by some LAPD racists, because it happens all the time and the LAPD is a corrupt organization. How many blacks have claimed, "The police beat me up for no reason" and no one paid attention. Because they don't have to. The human nature is to believe the officers more than the victim. But just some happens someone videotaped this particular beating, which was typical really, and the world suddenly was set on its ear. They were shocked. So the world was shocked, but the average black man living in L.A. was scratching his head wondering what the fuss was all about? See?

    So, in this case, this is what happened. I was doing some research about the Phrygian cap which is worn by Mithras and also the Tracian goddess ArtemisBendis, a statue of which is now in the Lourve.


    Much to my surprise the history of the Phrygian cap led to association with the tip of the obelisk. The obelisk, obviously being a phallic symble. The top of the obelisk, though, is a pyramid. Likewise, the top of the seeing-eye pyramid is linked with Satan, the angel of knowledge, the "angel of light" or the Illuminator. But it also came out that the Phyrigian cap represented the foreskin, which was associated with esoteric knowledge. Of course, there is an obvious parallel to the forekin and the tip of the obelisk which is a phallic symbol.

    So that connected to why the males have an increase in vitamin-K on the 8th day, the day the Jews ritualistically circumcize their males. So if you consider creation and the purpose of the foreskin, obviously, if a clotting factor in the blood increases on the 8th day, the foreskin was meant to be cut off.

    From there you go symbolic. What is the meaning of all of this, at which point you observe that if Satan is represented by the foreskin, that is, the tip of the seeing-eye pyramid or obelisk, and it is being removed on the 8th day, is there any chronological reference that this might correspond to. That answer is YES. "A thousand years is one day" per the Bible so when you apply this to man's history, if the foreskin represents Satan, then it is implied that he would be removed on the 8th day of man's existence. Does that jibe with anything? YES! When is Satan killed? He is killed at the very end of the 7th Creative Day, which is 7000 years long and represents 7000 years of man's existence. So Satan is removed from influence and suppression of mankind by the 8th day.

    So what is the esoteric meaning of this? I means Jehovah at the beginning of creation via the foreskin made a promise to mankind to remove Satan's influence over him after 7000 years.

    Now as far as that interpretation goes, I'll just note this observation. Some ants have wings and some don't. The ants that don't have wings have to walk everywhere; those that have wings have the option to fly. The wingless ants can't always go where the winged ants go, and the winged ants accept that fact of circumstance and reality. If you get my drift. Gotta run. I have to "fly" down to the drug store to pick up a prescription for my mom. (smile)


  • JustThatGirl007

    I am HUGELY anti-circ. My boys are both intact and so is my husband. Interestingly, my stand on circumcision came about when my little brother was born in 1989 (I was almost 12) and no doc would cut. I'm still unsure of the reasons, but whatever. One less mutilation is a good thing. So whether my husband had been for or against is irrelevent to me because I would never put my child through such a cruel & barbaric practice. It was nice to have support, though. My in laws are also anti-circ (my bro in law had been circ'd against their wishes when he was born).

    Anyway, I really like this particular thread on the topic. I'm so used to reading it from the viewpoint of moms for and moms against and it just turnes into a stupid argument.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    The only valid reason for circumcision is a medical one like phimosis. Whilst there are some suggestions of health benefits for circumcision you do have to ask as already said, why would God create man with forskins if they are better off without them?

    The answer I think is likely to be the obvious one.

    Lars is still is Lar Lar Land I see...

  • Glander

    A discussion of circumsion segues into an essay on Rodney King and police brutality (of course there is no mention of the events leading up to Kings beat down). ? We agree that all police should be perfect. Like Rodney said "why can't we all just get along?" as LA burned down.

    I notice a lot of people wearing foreskin hats as the weather gets colder.

  • designs

    There's a SNL skit in here somewhere

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