Is this true? We're not and never have been JW's??

by Muddy Waters 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    My Dad was still using it in the '60s.

    Here's a quote from 1934 via the Feb 15, 2010 WT

    Pointing to the hearer’s responsibility to say, “Come!” The Watchtower of August 15, 1934, page 249, stated: “Those of the Jonadab class must go along with those who are of the antitypical Jehu company, that is, the anointed, and announce the message of the kingdom, even though they are not the anointed witnesses of Jehovah.” In 1935, the identity of the “great crowd” mentioned at Revelation 7:9-17 was made clear. That gave tremendous impetus to the work of extending God’s invitation. Since then, a growing number of the great crowd of true worshippers—over seven million now—have responded to that invitation. Having appreciatively heard the message, they have made a dedication to God, undergone water baptism, and joined the bride class in actively inviting others to ‘come and drink life’s water free.’

  • dogisgod

    Yeah, that's been the thought for a long time. There is the "little flock" annointed and then the "great crowd". The "great crowd holds on to the skirt of the Jew. Whatever. Wasted a lot of time.

  • designs

    Bungi Bill- check the publication 'Riches' I believe its from 1935.

  • MrMonroe

    Only in 1937, (WT November 1) did the society declare that JWs with an earthly hope could be described as Christian. The March 1, 1930, WT had said, "Since 'Christ' means the anointed of God, it is manifestly true that no one can properly be termed a Christian who is not in Christ and who has not received the anointing."

    So, once again, the "truth" (the manifest truth, no less!) turned out to be wrong. Shucks, God must have just loved pulling their legs. ("Here's some new light via the Holy Spirit. Oh, just kidding!")

    Don't know about the suggestion that only the anointed could be called JWs though.

  • smiddy


  • Vidqun

    A common misconception of the Witnesses is that the "other sheep"-class is an equivalent of "the great crowd." The missing word here is "potential". According to JW theology, these are the ones coming out of the great tribulation, i.e., after Armageddon. So this is something for the future. Those that insist they are part of this great crowd are presumpteous. This is something one will only find out after the great tribulation. Interestingly, this crowd "no man was able to number." If it consisted only of Witnesses there would not be a problem with the counting. The Witness stats do not lie, or do they?

  • processor

    Interesting idea. I found lots of quotes showing that it's the anointed who bear the name "Jehovah's Witnesses".

    “The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah”—How?, pages 307, 319, 320

    In appreciation of this, the anointed remnant, in the year 1931, embraced the Scripturally based name, “Jehovah’s witnesses.” … Realizing more keenly than ever that he was taking out of all nations a “people for his name,” the anointed remnant saw good to identify themselves before all the world by the name drawn from the Holy Scriptures, Jehovah’s witnesses. … When the name, Jehovah’s witnesses, was first embraced by the anointed remnant in the year 1931, the question arose in the mind of many worldly observers: “Will the name stick?”

    Watchtower March 1 1996, page 14

    These anointed Christians have always kept Jehovah’s name to the fore, but especially so since 1931, when they adopted the name Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Watchtower November 1 1993, page 9

    Without any doubt at all, it was the small body of anointed brothers of Jesus who in 1914 were known as the Bible Students but since 1931 have been identified as Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Watchtower November 1 1976, page 663

    So now, with the words of Isaiah 43:10 ringing in their ears, those anointed champions of Jehovah and of his kingdom by Christ took up the Bible-supported name “Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

    Paradise Restored To Mankind—By Theocracy!, page 364

    In turn, the faithful anointed remnant has said: “Jehovah is my God.” Outstandingly so since July 26, 1931, when those of this anointed remnant embraced the name “Jehovah’s witnesses.”

    Watchtower March 15 1973, page 168

    In appreciation of this, the anointed remnant, in the year 1931, embraced the Scripturally based name “Jehovah’s witnesses.”

    Watchtower December 15 1971, page 750

    It was this active body of dedicated, anointed Christians who, in the summer of 1931, embraced a name to distinguish them from Christendom’s sects, namely, Jehovah’s witnesses.

    And these two quotes actually indicate that "Jehovah's Witnesses" and "the other sheep" are two different groups (it's actually quite clear in German):

    Watchtower December 15, 1990, page 13

    Moreover, as early as 1932, The Watchtower pointed out the responsibility of the “other sheep,” in their turn, to say, “Come!” (John 10:16) In its issue of August 1, page 232, paragraph 29 stated: “Jehovah’s witnesses now have the zeal like to that of Jehu and they should encourage the Jehonadab class [other sheep] to come along with them and to take some part in proclaiming to others that the kingdom of God is at hand.”

    Watchtower December 15 1982, page 22

    Noteworthily, their fellow worshipers at God’s temple, the “great crowd” of Christ’s “other sheep,” display the same unquenchable love that binds Jehovah’s Witnesses of today together so perfectly.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    All of us who were born-in and faced all the hardships from the WTBTS and the stigma from the world, should ask for damages to compensate us if we were never Jehovah's Witnesses. My ggf joined in Russell's day. I may be wrong but being part of the 144,000 was generational. Everyone his age seemed to be remnant. MY gm never would believe she was part of the 144,000 b/c the prior generation filled the target.

    I was very afraid of Armageddon when he died in his 90s. 50-60 years later, the 144,000 is still not met. The rank and file were very impressed at any association with a remnant member. Well, I only wanted to be a Jehovah's Witnesses b/c I thought it would stop abuse, which it did not. It magnified the abuse as the abuser was surrounded with other people who believe women were crap. Now I know I was never one.

    We should organize global birthday parties, Christmas, watch children's tv that we missed b/c of meetings. I want payment for all the time I spent at meetings, not understanding more than an occassional word.

    Very few Witnesses seem to truly know anything more than the most superficial, incorrent understanding. It reminds me of folk worship in the Catholic Church derived from pagan worship.

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