Christmas - why do so many celebrate Jesus, and so few celebrate religion?

by Fernando 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fernando

    Having been OUT for around 2 years now, I've been pondering the universal popularity of Christmas (Jesus) as compared to the general unpopularity of (sectarian) religion.

    My thinking on the unpopularity of religion is based on passive and low "Church" attendance, where the only ones who actively and unreservedly promote and celebrate religion are those that are part of the ruling religious hierarchy which satisfies their lust for power, authority and glory.

    Do most of us at some level get it that Jesus was/is anti-religion and that is why the religious establishment and leaders had/have him killed off (Matt 23 esp v15)?

    Your thoughts and perspective on this will be much appreciated and a big help in my research (Sociology of Spirituality, Sociology of Religion).

  • WTWizard

    Jesus was anti-established religion. He tried to save mankind from Jehovah's tyranny. And, that is what people are drawn to--even though Jehovah managed to have Paul corrupt the message to a large extent.

    Now, if Jesus tried to free us from God, and religion claims to serve God (even if it claims to serve Christ, it actually serves God instead), it is no wonder that many are drawn to Jesus and away from religion.

  • NewChapter

    One thing JW's had right is that Christmas really had nothing to do with Christ originally. That thought was added later to coincide with winter festivals already thousands of years old. I don't need Christ to commemorate this day---and it's not about religion either. It's a traditional day that most of our society has agreed to set aside to pursue their own personal goals---time with family, time off from work, time to think about Jesus (if you're so inclined) or as some of my pagan friends have been doing, to acknowledge Yuletide. Since it belonged to the pagans first, it's only fair that they too get to see it their way. Jesus was not the reason for the season. So I'd say that "so many" are also not celebrating Jesus--but some are.

    I gave my nephew a Christmas card yesterday and inside I wrote: Happy Pagan winter festival, may the gods return the sunlight and may Saturn bless your future harvests.

    He loved it, because he too sees the irony in it all. When I was a JW, I didn't celebrate Christmas because of its pagan roots. I understood that it wasn't about the bible or Jesus, so I avoided it. Today I don't care what its roots are, I acknowledge them and have fun with it. It will never be about Jesus to me, and it won't be about religion. But that's okay. No group has any special claim to the holiday---and it is not a travesty if Jesus or religion is removed from the mix by some people.

    That said, HAPPY PAGAN FESTIVAL everyone!


  • cantleave

    As a family we celebrate a Jesus free Christmas.

  • Phizzy

    Tim Minchin and Prof Brian Cox have done a song about enjoying Christmas whether you beleive in Jesus or not, I think most people will go along with that.

    Normal people that is, not JW's.

  • OnTheWayOut

    People celebrate "Secular Christmas." Face it. Jesus is the reason for the season NO LONGER.

    Before you all get up in arms, some still keep Jesus in it, and you are free to do so. But the masses don't.

    I would love to adopt Festivus as the proper holiday for the rest of us.

  • shepherd

    Christmas has nothing to do with Christ for most people. That includes me. I certainly challenge the topic headline because the majority worldwide who will celebrate Xmas will not be celebrating Christ at all.

  • NewChapter

    Tim Minchin and Prof Brian Cox have done a song about enjoying Christmas whether you beleive in Jesus or not, I think most people will go along with that.

    Ah Phizzy! I love Minchin.

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