A New Year's Resolution- I Gotta Stop Reading Anything From Watchtower

by OnTheWayOut 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am a fan of anything WTS hates, like Smurfs and birthdays, clinking glasses in a toast, exchanging gifts on December 25th. I have never really been the person to set New Year's resolutions, but it is something WTS would not like.

    Anyway, I used to read Blondie's comments on the WT study article. I remember how it kept me mad at WTS to read such stupid stuff from them. Despite Blondie's wonderful comments, I eventually had to stop reading the entire articles.

    Via JWN, I would still learn about many stupid things WTS says. The latest one I followed was the Feb. article that included a woman tolerating her beating husband and learning to shut up and be a better punching bag. That was it for me.

    I have been making great strides in finding peace away from WTS. I think that as long as I have a JW mother and wife, I will stay involved to some degree in knowing what's going on with the ex-JW community. But I just know that even with doctrinal changes and adjusted views, nothing will really change with WTS in anything short of decades. I just cannot ride the ups and downs of following their latest news and documents.

    This is not a goodbye thread. I am sure I will be here. I have great friends here. I will probably cut back over time, but won't promise that. But I won't be reading about what was said at conventions or in the study articles. Eventually, I probably won't even want to follow their latest battles with authorities and Kingdom Hall acquisitions, their shutting down branches or laying off Bethelites. Maybe I will be found more and more on fluff threads while I fade from interest in what WTS is up to.

    I have had a huge interest in why the Bible is not inspired. This thread is not about that, so let me just say that's my thoughts anyway. I am going to have to move on from that also. Maybe I can make that a resolution next year. I will continue to learn what science has to say.

    I will try to keep contact with my ex-JW friends in a more personal way via FB and email and the telephone and face-to-face when I can. Thanks all for reading.

  • Reader1

    Some books that helped me

    Why Evolution is True - Jerry Coyne

    God's Problem - Bart Ehrman

    The God Delusion - Christopher Hitchens

    The Greatest Show on Earth - Richard Dawkins

  • serenitynow!

    Do what ya gotta do to find peace. I rarely read the entire mags or articles because it starts making me sick.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I haven't read the Jerry Coyne book yet, but will get to it eventually.
    I have read the Hitchens and Dawkins book and am actually reading God's Problem right now.


    I used to be an avid science fiction fan. I read every last thing Isaac Asimov wrote and virtually all of Kurt Vonnegut's writings- the stuff they published after his death, he said most of it wasn't that good and he said Timequake really wasn't that good, it truly wasn't, so I didn't bother with the rest. I loved Robert Heinlein and Douglas Adams and Larry Niven and I could go on and on, but those were the top ones.

    My point in this comment is that ever since starting to read about Watchtower, every last frigging thing I read has been nonfiction. I mean everything. I think there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a learner and doing a great deal of nonfiction reading. Some of it has been very helpful in my spiritual journey and relaxing. But I would love to just be able to chill out and read some fiction. (I know reading anything from Watchtower is reading fiction, but that's not the type I have in mind.)

    I spent a good deal of time while a dub, opening my mind up to the idea that there is more than WT doctrine out there. When I did know it was all a lie, I got so fully vested in the ex-JW stuff. I finally stopped reading stuff specific to ex-JW's. I never got around to OUT OF THE COCCOON and THE SPANKING ROOM. I wanted to, but I had to move on for my sanity. I wanted to read the Stacey Dugard book and ESCAPE, but just haven't been sure I wanted to stay on that kind of road. Also, it's time to just get outside or in the gym and away from all that kind of stuff.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I know what you are saying. I very rarely if ever read anything by the WT. All it does is piss me off. I've read maybe two or three articles in the last ten years. I can hardly look at the damned things. My wife and her family are all JWs so I'm stuck with a certain amount of WT BS in my life no matter what. But read the crap...I don't dont think so.

    I'll send you a PM.

  • garyneal

    I'm with you, Jerry. I went to the hall with my wife yesterday because my oldest daughter begged me to. I did not want to go, but I could not let her go without me when she clearly did not want to go.

    The CO was there and I hated the talk. He said things like, "Where else will you find happy people from the top down?" I said, "The Catholics, the Mormons?"

    I try to be respectful when I am there as I know these are my wife's cherished beliefs but it is hard listening to them generalize about the people on the outside while getting upset when people do that to them. I think I am going to end my study too, I just can't take it anymore and I need to move away from it all.

    Be thankful you and your wife do not have kids between you. If I knew then what I know now, I am not sure I would want kids between her and I even though I adore them so much.

    Peace to you.

  • AGuest

    Good for you, Jer... 'cause that stuff's poison. Whether it's their propaganda (which enslaves) or something that exposes their lies and hypocrisy (which can lead to rage)... it's not necessarily "good" to read. I came to that conclusion a long time ago - I can't even read Blondies fine posts anymore... because I just don't want to FEEL what I do when I hear/see what they're up to "now." Don't wanna even "go there"... not often, anyway.

    Personally, I love it when people can finally "separate" themselves... and see the WTBTS as nothing more than "just another religion." True, they are a bit more than that... but that's really their problem (and those who are still in her). I feel a personal responsibility for the latter sometimes... but only because of the "Allegory of the Cave" likeness: I was led out, got the see what was REALLY behind that wall, what the shadows REALLY were... and out of gratitude to the One who so led me... feel a responsibility toward those still chained to the wall. Those HE might love.

    One thought: not sure what you "get" from your mom and wife will be... ummmmm... as accurate as you may want it to be (although it could totally be and/or you could "see through" it TO the truth); however, yes, you will stay "in touch" on some level. So, putting off "researching" their movings and quakings on your own could be quite unnecessary.

    But... do you. That is my new "saying" for the coming year. My daughter uses it frequently... and it makes sense to me.

    Thanks for sharing... and, yeah, peace to you.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Wishing you a mentally and physically healthy New Year!!!

    Keep in touch Jerry.


  • watersprout

    Jerry I totally agree with you! I can't bear to read anything from the WT! The nausea rises rapidly and I have to stop reading for my own health... Even if my parents mention anything related to the WT I start to feel sick, I can't bear it! Even just typing this has made my head go hot lol!

    Do what makes YOU feel happy and I hope you find inner peace.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I know what you mean. I used to spend a high percentage of my free time right here - and I always found myself stewing over the WTS's hold on the Jw's. I can't remember the last time I clicked on a topic that discussed much about the WTS and it's articles. In fact, I find myself here about 3 or 4% of the amount of time I used to spend here - and I usually just click through the first two or three pages of active topics - more often than not just closing the website and moving onto something else on the internet or the book I am reading.

    I do feel better. Once the primary healing is done - it prob better to get out of the hospital and only check in from time to time to assess progress. JWN had been a great tool - but there comes a time for most of us that it is needed less and less. Good for you.


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