Give us your vote on the Watch Tower's approach to domestic abuse!!

by cedars 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sizemik

    Done . . .

    I like what you've done with the site . . .

    My comment failed to post however . . . although I was logged in.

  • cedars

    Thanks Sizemik

    Thanks for trying to comment. I'll pass your observations along, and hopefully we can get rid of the gremlins.

    I appreciate the feedback!


  • Pams girl
    Pams girl


  • finallysomepride
  • cedars

    Thanks guys!!

  • punkofnice

    May the GB go to the chair for crimes against humanity!

    That'd shut the buggers up!

  • cedars

    Shamelessly bumping for responses....

    Come on folks, we're still only on 49 total votes - we can do better than that!!


  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2


    Please try posting your comment again. I've tested it and it seems to be working fine. Try commenting without logging in, just fill out the form below the article and post. It should work either way, but there might be something going on with your IP address. Rather than using a 'captcha' security form, we use a background protection system that is usually just as effective. And yes, you are a registered subscriber in good standing, so when you login your comments should be recognized.

    I think both Cedars and I have commented since you brought this to our attention. Hopefully it was just a momentary glitch.

    In any case, thanks for letting us know. I apologize for any problems you may have encountered.


  • N.drew

    I took the survey. So far I am the only one that voted "be more careful in the future". The reason why I voted that way is for me it was the best answer. And I want to tell you why. If I could I would have voted for the first three, but only one answer is allowed. I did not think #1 was the best answer, because they really owe the world 1000 retractions. I did not vote for number #2 because it might be confusing (they seem to be king of confusing) and the people who need to read it might not have the opportunity.

    If they are going to continue publishing The Watchtower they have to be more careful. That is why I voted number 3.

  • cedars

    Hi N.drew

    Thanks for your conscientious approach to the survey. There is no wrong answer in these answers, and I am genuinely interested in hearing people's sincere thoughts. I can understand your pragmatic approach to the questions, however I wrote them to give options as to what SHOULD happen and not necessarily as a prediction of what WILL or COULD happen. As you say, there are thousands of things that the Watch Tower Society should print retractions for, but realistically if they were to astonish us all by adopting a more humble and conciliatory approach they would need to start somewhere. What better way to demonstrate their supposed humility by recognizing their error in an aspect of their teachings that puts them in conflict with domestic abuse charities, and puts women in harm's way?

    Nevertheless, I really do appreciate your vote N.drew, and I understand your reasons for it.


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