Weird JW Dreams

by MrFreeze 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ekruks

    I had this weird dream last night that the elders and my family were torturing me sadistically - held me down and attacked me with a knife for having missed meetings, then tried to kill me - it seemed very medieval and I had this storng feeling of being forced to do something against my will - I think it expresses how JW life comes across to me; being control and made to do things I think are wrong, but not doing such results in family trying to force me.

  • fade_away

    Actually, just last night I had one, and like yours, I also had the beard I have now and felt akward. But it took a very strange twist. Everyone at the hall was drinking alcohol. In fact, they were passing them out during the meeting like flight attendants. People were drinking rum and coke, rum and juice, and beer. Then there was this part where a military officer walked in and put his hand on the Bible and started reciting an oath while the whole congregation repeated after him. The oath was also written in the back of the old song book and those that didn't know it, could just follow along. I can't remember what the oath said though. I woke up saying "What the hell was that?!?!"

  • ekruks

    Oh, as a kid, I would often struggle to sleep because I was worried that the government would come and take me away from my parents, or that we would all die in a natural disaster - I am sure that it was the experiences in the Watchtower - I'm not saying kids must be shielded, especially when older, as they need to learn to live in the world, but the constant doom and gloom is not healthy for a child. Perhaps it would have been good if the government had taken me away from my parents, as I would have grown up away from the clutches of the Watchtower!

  • Knowsnothing

    @fadeaway, what publication is that avatar pic in? It's hilarious!

  • fade_away

    I think it's in Daniel (part 1 or 2).....Don't hold me to that though. I found it on the web and I remembered how hilarious it looked.

  • fade_away

    This is just a funny looking pharisee

  • MrFreeze

    Thanks for the "experiences" everyone!

    Mine always seem to revolve around going to the DC in Cleveland, OH. THe one I had last night, I got a really good deal on a hotel room, like $40 a night but the hotel was 70 miles away. I don't remember the last time I had a dream where I was at the KH and not an assembly hall or convention center.

    When I was in, I would dream about Armageddon scenarios. There was a dream that I kept having where Armageddon was just about to get under way and the only way to survive was to board this large boat. It wasn't like the ark, but more like a wooden pirate ship. Very bizarre.

  • mariemcg

    My friend had exactly the same dream as the boat but we missed it as we were to busy clubbing and dancing, drinking and taking drugs. He's now on the ministry as he felt it was a wake up call.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    I had this weird dream last night that the elders and my family were torturing me sadistically - held me down and attacked me with a knife for having missed meetings, then tried to kill me -

    Weird dream my ass......that sounds like "new light".

    Think About It

  • yellow

    After a J/C in which I was d/fd for immorality I had a dream I was sleeping with satan, strange that two other sisters had similar dreams after being reproved for immorality.

    Another dream I had before D/A was I `m in a morgue lying on a trolley, barely alive, the morgue is filled with trolleys with dead bodies and black sheets covering them. I`m the only one with a white sheet covering me. This elder comes in takes away the sheet and rapes me. I say to myself "thats it finished its all over" and I walk away.

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