I think we have it backwards

by lrkr 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • lrkr

    You know how when people come out of being a JW they say things like- but the Bible is a good book- its just the religion that is bad.

    Or when describing Muslim extremists commit some atrocity, people say- the religion is bad- but the Koran is a good book.

    Or when you observe Orthodox Jews abusing members of their family- it is said- its the religion that is confining and doent allow leaders to be held accoutable- but the Torah is a good book.

    I think we have it backwards!! The Bible, Koran and Torah allow and even condone violence, miysogyny, racism, genocide, child abuse, slavery, abuse of authority, ignorance etc, etc, etc. Really- the "holy writings" are the problem.

    To the extent that a religious group ignores certain passages or tenants in their holy writings- they can be modern, inclusive, accepting, non-confrontational, enlightened- in short- humane.

    This was a major "ah-ha" realization for me. I had it backwards. The religious groups arent the problem- some are a problem- yes- but the "holy writings" are what allow for extremism. Extremists are just being more faithful, orthodox, loyal, and observant of the holy writings.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You could be right!!...pick and choose whatever you like out of those books...make yourself a religion...hey presto!!!

  • PaintedToeNail

    And they all originated in the middle east...hm makes one wonder.


  • startingover

    I agree Enough said

  • InterestedOne

    I agree. I recall a poster here, designs, saying "look at the source material."

  • lrkr

    Calling the books sacred- gives them license to say whatever they want. If someone said what the "holy books" say today- they would be considered ignorant, ancient, and generally bad.

  • InterestedOne

    Yeah, imagine if someone today said, "I do not permit a woman to teach a man."

  • finallysomepride

    And they all originated in the middle east...hm makes one wonder.

    yes but it takes America to really fuckit all up (American Religions)

  • lifestooshort

    I don't know. Maybe the problem is the extreme conviction allows them to do crazy things.

  • lrkr

    Yes- but extreme conviction in what?

    People who are extremely convinced that vitamins are good for you may write books, annoy friends, irritate relatives and blog alot- but I never heard of a vitamin fanatic killing, bombing, suppressing, isolating or shunning.

    Only the sacred texts allow such behavior.

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