Bet the wtb&ts didn't see this one coming...

by OneDayillBeFree 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • hamsterbait

    HA -

    The Asleep! in 1980 said that there cannot be life on other worlds, because if there were he would have told the Gibbering Buddy.

    They quoted the verse that "Jehovah will not do a single thing unless he first tells his prophets." It was RIDICULOUS. (And shows what they think of themselves)

    They claimed that as nobody had replied yet to our radio messages there cannot be life on other planets. Shows how ignorant these old men are. Al this shows is that there are no intelligent beings capable of receiving or transmitting within 50 light years.


  • designs

    Through my mighty Telescope I saw a little Tree and two nakeded peoples...

    Oh no its starting all over again!

  • ziddina
    "They have their heads in the sand and an answer for everything! ..."

    You're right, Mummatron...

    I would bet that if extraterrestrial life - or a theoretically habitable planet - IS found, that the Watchtower - and other religions - will find a way to co-opt such a scientific discovery for their own particular theology...

    The blanket statement, "We cannot know 'god's' will; whatever happens must be part of his grand scheme for us..." - or something to that effect, would cover a lot of Middle-Eastern god worshippers' arses...

  • elderelite

    All holy book, be it the bible, koran etc etc, all have at their core trying to make sense of the human condition and why we are here. They all also make humans the most important thing and become very self centered in that respect... Think about it: billions of stars and planets, but only the earth, a little out of the way planet, tucked in a corner of of one little insignifigant galaxy (of which there are billions), but yet one little
    Creation eating a single fruit set off a chain of events that called into question the qualifictions of the person who made it all????? Really....? Self important tripe. And the org capitlized on it by making themselves the spokes persons for the creator on the most important little speck of dirt in the universe. Why, we are so important that god sent his "only son" to DIE for us! By extension you benefit, but he died for us!!!

    The more perspective you get on this stuff, the dumber it all is

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    The more perspective you get on this stuff, the dumber it all is

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