"Flawed Faith vs. Loss of Faith"

by leavingwt 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShadesofGrey

    Unless there is a strong Christian in the household who, contrary to popular exJW opinion, is a strong Christian from the first step out the gate of JWism,


    Couldn't resist!

  • ShadesofGrey
    evil, out-of-control people

    I didn't see that at all. I didn't follow the link though.

    Jesus did not send us to correct and leave but rather to correct and save. Too many young have been left to find their own way in the darkness, this is not Christian.
    I agree.

    And this is why I have returned to the Witnesses.

    Flawed faith, lack of faith, no difference. Both keep us away from a relationship with Christ. At least with a lack of faith...

    At least my nieces and nephews have loving families and are getting an education and/or being themselves. I would never want them to return to that cult! They could be repressed, cut off from loved ones, condemned, and in abusive relationships. Save your kids from this evil cult please!

  • ShadesofGrey

    The JWs serve a false god who is bloodthirsty, harsh and demanding, with no humility, subjecting his people to mental abuse, denying them happiness, and teaching them to hate others. I would rather my kids serve no god at all.

    The JW idea of faith is to never receive real help from their god, to never be sure if you will make it to their false hope of the new world that will still separate the "right" people (heaven and earth) and destroy all of the others. You prove your faith by subjecting yourself to more and more abuse and giving up more and more of yourself.

    The God that I have come to know doesn't just sit back and watch you stumble and claw your way towards him and punish you if you don't make it far enough or quickly enough. As for faith, my God is with me to help me every day and has assured me of my salvation.

    Flawed faith? No thanks.

  • cofty

    The OP is really depressing.

    Why do adults think its ok to impose their superstitious delusions on their children? Christian parents only pretend to let their children make their own decisions about god.

  • ShadesofGrey

    The OP is really depressing.
    I agree.

    Why do adults think its ok to impose their superstitious delusions on their children? Christian parents only pretend to let their children make their own decisions about god.
    They are dooming them if this is the case. The only way to be saved is to believe in your heart. You can be fooled in to thinking you are saved when you are in fact not. Also, as a side note, I don't have to preach to my daughter. She sees my life.
  • tec

    All parents pass on what they believe; including atheists. But children, once of an age to think/reason on their own, can and do decide for themselves, on just about every topic out there. Especially in this day and age, with just about every view out their represented and having a voice.

    And of course what some call 'superstitious delusion' others call 'truth'. Who is to say who is absolutely right, and who is passing on falsehood?



  • tec

    Also, as a side note, I don't have to preach to my daughter. She sees my life

  • tec

    double post

    I swear!

  • cofty
    All parents pass on what they believe; including atheists.

    Nonsense - an atheist only has to teach their child to believe nothing without sufficient evidence. To doubt all claims of special knowledge, to submit to nobodys opinion, and to laugh at people who use threats of eternal punishment or promises of eternal rewards as a reason to believe anything.

    And of course what some call 'superstitious delusion' others call 'truth'. Who is to say who is absolutely right, and who is passing on falsehood?

    That's easy, all references to the supernatural are delusional.

  • cofty

    They are dooming them if this is the case.

    Doom! Really? Oh my god do you really have to think about your child's future in terms of doom if she doesn't ask jebus into her heart or some such cliche? How totally depressing.

    as a side note, I don't have to preach to my daughter. She sees my life.

    And my children see mine. How arrogant to think a christian life is a better example

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