newbie here!

by greven 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nannygoat

    Heehee! Y'all are cracking me up! ((()))


  • Intuit39

    I think you all are relying too heavily on worldly wisdom.

    "Ibid" became Freddie Franz's favorite word as he came near his turn to exit this earthly scene and get a hero's send-off from the "launching pad" at Watchtower Farm.

    How fondly we remember how he incessantly slurred "Ibid" repeatedly as he drooled on his chest, often tying them together in a peaceful mantra with other holy words, such as "er..." and "duhhh..."

    How thankful we are that god has seen it fitting to have all but the four or five youngest members of the ever more invisible Governing Body take up this special aspect of sacred service.

    Pay no attention to the fact that that most visible element of the AntiChrist, Pope John Paul II, has taken up a token form of this practice. Jehovah's people are not deceived by this Satanic attempt to thwart our true worship!

  • Adonai438

    Welcome Greven---
    I guess you've figured we like to joke a bit
    Plum's right:
    Ditto = Ibid
    it's used so you don't have to write out the long source citation when it's the same place as previously quoted from.
    Well-- gotta run-- looking forward to hearing more from you on the board!
    God Bless <>< Angie

  • waiting

    Well dayum!

    I thought "Ibid" was a slang way of saying "I bid" at an auction when the fast talking guy asks "who bids?" And I stupidly raise my hand and quickly answer "Ibid." Which then means that the next action is my husband rollin' his eyes in disbelief.

    Welcome y'all to the Land of Fools. Great place - and has brought out, lurkers should know the ropes by now and know when to jump in.....and jump out or out of the way.


  • ISP

    Hey welcome to the board, greven!

    Hope to see ya around!


  • Farkel

    : "Ibid" became Freddie Franz's favorite word as he came near his turn to exit this earthly scene and get a hero's send-off from the "launching pad" at Watchtower Farm.

    Unfortunately for Freddie and the other corrupt WT leaders, they got this one wrong too: they misinterpreted which way the launching pad is actually pointed.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • Francois

    I knew this place was full of people who were full of it; a sense of humor, I mean. But this thread is totally over the top. This is the funniest thing I've ever seen on this bb. And it really points out the good nature, creative imagination, and inborn (if not inbred) sense of humor of the essentially good people on this site.

    I wish we'd spend more time engaged in this kind of thing.

    Now, I've gotta go catch my breath.


    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

  • seven006

    Hey Fark,

    Wassa told me that you moved to Vancouver Washington. Did you move or are you just vacationing on the muddy Willamette River? Give me a call so we can get together for some tea and cake while we have a wholesome bible discussion.

    I like my tea with a little lemon twist, how about you?


    PS. Hi newbie person

  • larc


    I am sorry I am so late getting back to you about Ibid, Iris, and ditto. My wife interupted my dialogue, and insisted that I take care of our car which had a dead battery (true story). My wife has no sense of priorities. Well, I told you that to tell you this. My memory of Iowa history is a bit foggy. It was not my favorite subject in high school. As I recall, Ibid and Iris were husband and wife. They were early settlers who came from Russia, Ohio (pronounced Ruushee - this part is true). They had twins. They named one twin Sam, and the other twin ditto. Because, after all, one twin is a ditto of the other twin, DNA wise. Ibid and Iris were ahead of their time, because no one knew about DNA back then. Some people didn't even know where babies came from, but they enjoyed learning about it.

    Borgfree, I hope this history lesson was an "upbuilding" experience for you.

  • Rummy1

    Greven hope you get as much from this board as I have.I've only been here a couple of weeks and I feel like I've been given a new lease of life(thanks ISP)Its brill!

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