I didn't think I would ever do xmas but I must say that I kinda got into it and it turned out really nice for a virgin.
Put up my first xmas tree this weekend
by TweetieBird 15 Replies latest jw friends
We need a Christmas for Dummies book! The closest thing I found was a "holiday traning for dummies" book.
Anyway, Merry Christmas!
breakfast of champions
Wait until you have to clean up all those goddamned needles!
Christmas and its traditions can be lots of great fun. Good for you!
Last year was my first xmas tree and I had fun. But this year I'm gettin a real live tree! I am looking forward to that!
I won't have any needles...got a prelit artificial tree since I have no idea how to string lights.
Pics. Pleaseeee.
Band on the Run
I can't post my Xmas tree photos here. Well, they did not turn as well as I'd like. I did not know how to decorate the tree. When I was in college, I purchased a scrawny little tree and went to the five and dime for ornaments. I did not know that you used hangers for the ornaments. So I just slid them on the branches. I will always remember that tree.
I love a fresh tree. When I don't have time to take it down promptly or the weather is too warm so the needles drop soon, my fears of a Christmas tree fire are huge. I love my tree and Christmas in general. Unlike others, I don't take it for granted. My tree is my statement as to what the WTBTS can do. The gaudy ornaments, in particular, deliver the message.
I am free!
Band, IL Torts class made you paranoid? My fear is glass tables .. . Just remember to turn off your tree at night and when leaving. A timer may help you.
I have had Xmas trees for about 11 years. Went real, then fake, and back to real. One year, I got little beetles with my real tree. I got rid of the beetles soon enough,with some Dawn water. Each year, you have to buy a few ornaments from your travels. kids, animals, clumsy me . . . they all break. I am always looking for ornaments. Went to SF this year, and brought back some trolley car ornamets.
dear TweetieBird...
how fun for you!! I'd like to see some pictures too.
dear Band...
you have a pm.
love michelle