My recap of yesterday's Watchtower study...

by sir82 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • i_drank_the_wine

    That was a stirring and most accurate rendition! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    And re "Jehovah's celestial chariot" - I remember that too! I recall my over-the-top JW sister talking about that shit, commenting on how "that chariot just moves right on ahead man and you just gotta keep with it". What a nut.

  • stuckinamovement

    This article was disturbing. The shrillness of the GB demanding obedience is apparent even to those who are not fully aware of the problems within the org. They made a point to single out elders in par. 16 and reminded them to humbly submit to direction. Evidently some elders are not following mothers direction like they should.

    The more articles like this come out the easier it is to see that they are losing their grip on the flock.

  • Violia

    as we all know, the beatings will continue until they get full submission or the hidden apostate leaning jws will leave. They will rip up the Borg to get rid of anyone not in full obedience. They know they have moles- their literature and BOE letters are being published on the net. They are all about control and won't stop until they find a way to get it back. In short- they are cleaning house.

    cofty, I was glad to be able to get into the bathroom. there was a line but no one moved so I just walked right in. he he

  • flipper

    The JW rank & file prideful and arrogant ? Talk about the WT leaders pot calling the kettle black ? Jesus Rice crispies. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    Ahh takes me back to the 2001 District Convention drama "Warning Examples for Our Day". I found that drama to be so comically over-the-top that I could hardly believe it was real; I was literally stunned at how shrill it was. It was pretty much over for me after that convention.

  • ziddina

    He he he he heeeeee...!!

    Sir82, I'm a huge fan of Blondie's articles, but....

    I may have to switch alliegances....

  • metatron

    Sticking to just the Bible, why is this 'Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuerher' Watchtower wrong?

    Because these old fart frauds have no claim whatsoever on Moses' authority. Simple as that, Bible lovers.

    The accounts about Moses authority in Exodus and Numbers make clear that he was empowered to speak directly to Jehovah and not by any indirect means such as a dream or vision. The Governing Bozos are an uneducated, deception-laden bunch of liars who re-interpret and re-interpret the same tired scriptures, over and over, to maintain the organization's cash flow and their own tidy little positions within the Watchtower Real Estate Empire.

    They can't make any claim to direct inspiration such as Moses had, even as a group. And after 130 years of scamming people by collecting donations while falsely promising "Armageddon Soon!', they have no credibility worth speaking about.

    Any questions? Clear enough? Make sense?


  • Quarterback

    That was a good observation Sir.

    You are right on the how it has changed from a long time ago. Too much emphasis on the GB now, and not enough about Jesus, and Jehovah.

  • WTWizard

    And I thought idolatry was supposed to get one disfellowshipped. Where is that scripture "Do not place your trust in nobles"? Isn't the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger putting itself in a position of being a "noble" and demanding worship to themselves?

    People that are genuinely trying to spread the truth don't expect obedience. They make mistakes, they are not always accurate. Yet, they are humble enough to admit when they screw up. And they are right enough of the time to be useful. By comparison, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger demands obedience without questioning (rather than obedience only after questioning and verifying their accuracy). You are supposed to listen to them, and not ask any questions. And they screw up every time--most of their major predictions have been complete fiascos.

    Keeping up with the celestial chariot? The way that thing is going, it is bound to crash into a tree. And it is going where I do not want to--suppose I want to go north and it is headed south? Or, I need to head 13,500 kilometers southwest and that damn chariot is headed to the east-southeast and in a completely different region? If I can head to Africa or the Dominican Republic to pious-sneer, then for sure I can just as easily head to New Zealand and start a business there (which I, not Jehovah or the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, will benefit from). There is no way I am going to blindly follow that fxxxing chariot or its scumbag psychopath driver.

  • Sapphy

    Following on from Brother sir82, the fine points I gleaned from Sunday's Watchtower is that like Abraham we should be prepared to sacrifice our children to the point of death (and beyond if needed), and like Abraham we should be content to die without seeing any of the promises made to us fulfilled. We should not have different opinions like Korah or we will die. Also SUBMIT or DIE!

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