My observation, the "threefold cord" actually weakens a marriage

by Robert7 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • fade_away

    I'm glad I left the second I got married.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Mankkeli? did I say don't listen to you or the troll? You yourself said it

  • PaintedToeNail

    I think the thought of a three fold cord being a strengthener in marriage was probably to prevent people from linking up with someone from a totally different religion. Think of the stress to be endured at the time the bible was written, if one worshipped Zeus and the other worshipped Jehovah. They weren't terribly compatible and could cause a lot of problems.

    The same is true now, the closer a couple is in their fundamental backgrounds and goals, the more compatible they tend to be.

    An excellent example is those of us who are no longer buying into the WTBTS dogma, and who have spouses who are still active. It causes tremendous stress.

    That people feel trapped in a miserable marriage while active in the Org. is very true. I was married to a total toad years ago, and felt I couldn't get rid of him, because Jehovah wouldn't approve, plus I wouldn't be able to remarry. He finally ended up getting VD and I didn't. I was so happy! Finally I could get rid of the toad and keep my family and friends and not have to worry about getting DF'd for divorcing him.

    The thought of being married to an elder is horrifying to me. The wives are often told 'don't be jealous of Jehovah', which I don't think they are, they are just sick of everyone in the cong. coming before them.


    Mankkeli? did I say don't listen to you or the troll? You yourself said it.....FS


    Never knows when to shut up so he outs himself..LOL!!..


  • Bella15

    Of interest is the fact that the nation of Israel viewed themselves as married to the law/YHWH (at Mount Sinai) a lot of stuff in the bible about marriage hides, has a message concerning God's relationship of husband/wife with Israel ,,, Jesus spoke in parables to hide the meaning of what he was saying from satan (yes, I said satan), true Jewish/Israelites believers would understand what was behind Jesus' words ... like hint hint ... LOL!

    Another confusion which at least in Hispanic JW wives I 've seen, is that they take this literarally (which give way to slavery) ..."To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Surprise surprise this is another "play" "methaphor", "analogy" hiding a message ... nothing to do with natural births and marriage

    These are great subjects to study/research, then a lot of stuff in the bible will make more sense to you... true believers and seekers should not forget that ... "they (Jews) have been entrusted with the very words of God." Get rid of all antisemitic influences which is another deceit of Satan, get the right perspectives with the help of the Holy Spirit, with prayers, fasting according to the extend of your desire to be a man or a woman after God's own heart ...

    Anyway ... if you read Ecclesiastes 4'll see that it is not talking about marriage ... some men took it and made it a model for "christian" marriage I guess ... then God takes the blame ...

  • Bella15

    I forgot to congratulate you on staying married!

  • scotoma

    The Divine menage a trois???

    I don't see where that scripture has anything to do with marriage. It is simply a statment for self-defence perhaps when traveling in the ancient world. Another way of saying it is "there is strength in numbers."

  • Robert7

    This thread seems to be bouncing all over the place... any other thoughts of the JW faith being a weaking point of a marriage vs a strengthening point?

  • Cagefighter

    From what I have seen JW marriages have a lot to do with obligation and co-dependency. Even as a kid seemed like the couples where one mate was "non-believing" were much happier and solid. The other spouse (usually a male) would just kindly respect his JW wife's beliefs because he loved her,, not because he agreed. Obviously, the wife would feel more "loved" than most women in the KH.

    That's not to say that JW marriages can not evolve.

    People in and our of "da troof" get into relationships for all kinds of reasons.

    Glad you and your wife are doing well.

    The concept of three cords is good when that third cord is purpose and faith, not allegiance to a man made organization.

  • Botzwana

    Thanks Robert for the post. I have been faded for a year now and my marriage is MUCH happier. I married a worldly gal. I tried forcing her to meetings, using the bible to show my power etc. None of it worked and we would up fighting more and more. Since I have been out we have reconnected on a much deeper level. We have not read the Bible in a year but still pray. I thought we would divorce before and I would kick myself for not marrying a JW. Well no longer.

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