Victimize the victim

by blond-moment 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • blond-moment

    Seriously fired up over this one.

    Feb 15, 2011 Watchtower page 29 paragraph 12

    "Selma recalls a lesson she learned from the Witness who studied with her. "On one particular day," says Selma, "I didn't want to have a bible study. The night before, Steve had hit me as I had tried to prove a point, and I was feeling sad and sorry for myself. After i told the sister what had happened and how I felt, she asked me to read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. As I did, I began to reason, 'Steven never does any of these loving things for me.' But the sister made me think differently by asking, 'How many of those acts of love do you show toward your husband?' My answer was, None, for he is so difficult to live with. The sister softly said, 'Selma, who is trying to be a Christian here? You or Steve?' Realizing that I needed to adjust my thinking, I prayed to Jehovah to help me be more loving toward Steve. Slowly, things started to change. After 17 years, Steve accepted the truth."

  • yourmomma

    good video, there are so many angles of this that are just totally nuts. first the advice is as you said in the vid criminal. second, what the hell are they thinking printing this? i always knew that this was what the thinking was, and i knew the elders would tell abused wives they were to blame for the abuse, but this is the first time i have seen anything in print. other than the rape articles that put blame on the victim, this is the most outrageous thing i have ever read in a watchtower. and while the mentally diseased thing was crazy, this is worse, and i hope the media picks this up as well.

  • blond-moment

    I have sent it out to many domestic violence sites, local news both print and television. I do plan this weekend to spend time envelope stuffing and do so some snail mail to anyone who has any connections to domestic abuse. Including the information to silent lambs in my letter. I am really steamed over this. Thanks for watching.

  • journey-on

    Slowly, things started to change. After 17 years, Steve accepted the truth."

    17 years!! Even a Witness woman reading this has got to be guffawing at this. There has got to be someone loose in the Writing Dept. adding these little (almost imperceptible) tidbits of eye-openers!

  • serenitynow!

    Blond Moment, can you share the info you are sending out? I will be getting together with some aposta-sisters this weekend & I want plenty of ideas for how to get this out there. In addition to printing the offensive article, I'm going to print the articles from the 11/8/2001 Awake about domestic violence. It's funny how in the public rag they condemn abuse, but in private they condemn the abused. If you could post your ideas or PM me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

  • blond-moment

    For now, I have just highlighted the paragraphs and sent that with a link to the original article on I am working up something I can send snail mail. I want to include silentlambs and this stuff etc. Show just what kind of abuse goes on in this so called loving organization. If and when I get it pulled together, I will be happy to forward it to you.



    Beating your wife for 17 years will turn you into a JW?..

    Thats WatchTarded ..


  • N.drew

    Let's break this down. The lady in the story said "none" of those love things she does to her husband. I don't believe it.

    She's still married to the guy. long suffering (patience).

    She's still married to the guy. does not look for it's own interest.

    She's still married to the guy. love bears all things.

    She's still married to the guy. love hopes all things (he might stop hitting me sooner or later)

    She's still married to the guy. love endures all things.

    I wonder why she said "none'?

  • mrsjones5

    Writer of this fairytale wants to make it appear that the wife is essentially to blame so he made her say "None".

  • sabastious
    I wonder why she said "none'?

    Because her society demands it of her:

    World: Middle East

    Egyptian women's rights: A century on

    Egyptian women still need their husband's permission to travel abroad

    By Caroline Hawley in Cairo

    When it was published 100 years ago, the book entitled The Liberation of Women caused uproar.

    Its author - a judge called Qassem Amin - was the subject of a torrent of criticism after arguing that improving the status of women would help Egypt develop.

    A century on, women have made many strides towards to his, and their, goal.

    [ image: Egyptian women are an increasing presence in the workforce]
    Egyptian women are an increasing presence in the workforce

    They can vote; they are significant part of the workforce and there are now two women in the Egyptian cabinet.

    But they're not allowed to travel abroad without the permission of their husbands; it's hard for them to initiate divorce; and they can't - like Qassem Amin - become judges.

    Scholars from across the Arab world, as well as Europe and the United States, have gathered in Cairo to discuss what's been achieved.

    'We haven't progressed'

    Hoda Badran, one of the organisers of the commemoration celebrations, says progress has now stalled.

    [ image: Egyptian women have a long way to go for true equality]
    Egyptian women have a long way to go for true equality

    "Yemen has judges, Sudan has judges; the general prosecutor in Syria is a woman. If you compare us to other Arab countries, we are behind. Other countries are going forward.

    "Take Kuwait for example: Kuwait didn't have woman voting or having political rights; they are having it now. So it's a progress, even if we had our political rights as Egyptian woman before. But we haven't progressed."

    Earlier this year, there was a small step forward.

    The Egyptian cabinet decided to cancel a law that allows a rapist to walk free if he marries his victim.

    But women activists say there's still a long way to go to remove other discriminatory laws and achieve the liberation of women.

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