The REAL atheist meaning of life . . .

by nicolaou 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • N.drew

    I thank god every day that I have a little mind. Haha

  • TheUbermensch

    That is not a rule, it is a fact, PSac. You may not be able to produce orange from black and purple, correct. But a rule is something that binds you from doing something that is POSSIBLE.

  • TheUbermensch
    And yes, even musicians follow the basic rules of their instruments.

    And you speak from what authority?

    Sonic Youth guitarists enjoy rubbing baseball bats up and down their guitar strings, which creates quite an excellent sound. Jimmy Page enjoyed playing his guitar with a bow at certain times. Exactly what rules of instruments are we talking about?

  • PSacramento
    But a rule is something that binds you from doing something that is POSSIBLE.

    Interesting view of "rule".

    One of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere.

    I do find it strange that you chose the temr "binding".

    And you speak from what authority?

    None whatsoever.

    Are you speaking from authority to claim there ARE NO rules in music?

    Sonic Youth guitarists enjoy rubbing baseball bats up and down their guitar strings, which creates quite an excellent sound. Jimmy Page enjoyed playing his guitar with a bow at certain times. Exactly what rules of instruments are we talking about?

    To make a musical note from a guitar you don't think that ANY rule of music ( or of how music is produced on a guitar) is needed?


    Life is not a blank canvas. It is a living canvass, which although we paint on, we are part of the canvass, part of the picture. We are both the artist and the painting. There is no final result because it is a living canvass.

    We will not see the final painting because there is no final canvass. The painting goes on and artists keep appearing. We are one and the same.

  • TheUbermensch

    We aren't talking about notes, we are talking about "basic rules of instruments", in which there are NONE. You can strum a piano, cello, violin, turn them into electric instruments, slap an upright bass.

    "One of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere."

    Exactly. There exists nothing of that sort in art. I've played guitars that had an E-string as a D string. There is no such thing as a RULE.

  • TheUbermensch

    There is no such thing as a rule IN ART. Forgot that part.

  • PSacramento
    There exists nothing of that sort in art. I've played guitars that had an E-string as a D string. There is no such thing as a RULE.

    So I can make ANY note any way I want on a guitar?

    As long as I believe it to be music, it is music? is that what you are saying?

  • bohm

    ...well i think its a nice point anyway, that it wouldnt make life more meaningfull to be told this is the meaning.

  • TheUbermensch

    As I said, we are not talking about producing a certain pitch or note on a guitar. We are talking about the general "rules for instruments". But if you want to discuss this fine. Guitars have an unlimited amount of possibilities when concerning producing notes. I can utilize alternate tunings (no limit to this amount, certain alternate tunings have yet to be found) to produce notes on other frets. I can also utilize something like a pen, marker, or bottle to raise the strings, thus producing different pitches in different areas, you can utilize a capo, you can play a chord using different strings then the strings that correspond with prescribed note, the possibilites are endless. You can even combine them all.

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