by Sobeit 19 Replies latest social current

  • Sobeit

    Last night on PBS, there was a program about finding and persuing Nazi's after WWII.

    Nazi's from Croatia were given refuge in Catholic seminaries and a priest then credited them

    with Baptism and a new name. With the help of a "porous" Red Cross issuing passports, Adolph Eichman

    and other Nazi's were able to escape to Argentina.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    This is one of the most bigoted posts ever, IMO. The actual relationship between Pope Pius and HItler is complicated. Yes, there was colloboration but there was also resistance. German Protestants were no angels. Is this a troll post?

  • wobble

    It certainly is not apost from a sane person with a grasp of reality, Rutherford right about something ? Come on!

  • PSacramento

    So what a person or small group of people do (in this case the Pope and some priests), reflects on ALL those that profess the same ideology?

    Very dangerous slope you are on...

  • cofty

    The thread title is silly but you can't argue that the Catholic church wasn't tainted by Naziism.

    Not a single Nazi was ever excommunicated with the exception of Joseph Goebbels who was punished for marrying a Protestant.

  • yesidid

    Ever read "Hitler's Pope"?

  • PSacramento
    The thread title is silly but you can't argue that the Catholic church wasn't tainted by Naziism.

    It was incredibly tainted, hey did a horrific job before, during and after the Nazi regime.

    The vatican was horrific during that period and there is no excuse.

    That the Nazis killed scores of catholics only makes the matter worse.

    But Catholicisim is NOT the Vatican, nor the pope.

  • cofty

    Catholicisim is NOT the Vatican, nor the pope.

    You cannot divorce the catholic in the pew from the atrocities of the organisation they support. Roman Catholicism is a despicable religion that makes the borg look tame by comparison

  • Leolaia

    Let's be clear on what Rutherford claimed. Rutherford didn't say the Catholic Church was tainted with Naziism. He claimed that the Catholic Hierarchy created Naziism and that Hilter and Mussolini were the puppets of the Papacy.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Saying Catholism is not the pope or the vatican is like saying JW's are not the Watchtower society...where do you seperate the two...would one exist without the other.

    I was not aware that Rutherford claimed that the Catholic Hierarchy created Naziism...thats a big claim..what did he support that statement with?

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