WT Society Appoints Elders/MS Based on " Functions " Performed - not ....

by flipper 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    ........... holy spirit or any " fruitages of the spirit " like love, kindness, mildness, meekness , etc. shown by men considered for Elder or MS positions. Qualities or true positive character traits are NOT that important to the WT society in appointments of these men in JW congregations.

    No, the REAL " qualifications " that a JW man needs to exhibit is being able to report 10 hours a month in knocking on people's doors offering WT and Awake magazines ! If he comments regularly at meetings it's another " qualification ". If he carries a microphone first in his training - then he is " qualified " to serve as Elder or MS. If he cleans the Kingdom Hall well - toilets, mows lawns, vacuum carpets , polish the speakers podium , very often it's a prelude to being an elder or MS ! Also taking count of how many people are sitting in their seats is ANOTHER " qualification " to be appointed. The common denominator in all of these alleged " qualifications " is that all they are is FUNCTIONS on behalf of the WT society.

    None of these functions are ANY indicator if a man is really " spiritual " or a loving, capable person who can listen to people's problems with any sense of understanding and compassion ! None of these functions are any indicator if this man has good character or if he was a child molester before getting inside the JW organization to perform these functions ! It's also no indicator whether or not he treats his family with love, respect, and compassion in his private home AWAY from the congregation. And these functions are no indicator how devoted to " God " he is - it's just an indicator of his allegaince and obedience to the WT society TELLING him that to perform these functions - makes him SPIRITUAL ! LOL ! And if he gives " green handshakes " to C.O.'s and D.O.'s or befriends an influential elder in the congregation - his alleged " spirituality " may be found to grow in spades !

    Point I'm making here is in the 44 years I was in the WT organization - seeing all this take place really turned me off at all from wanting to be an elder. I saw the system was flawed in HOW men were selected anyway. Holy spirit had NOTHING to do with it. It was who a person knew OR that they performed WT " functions " well. I was a MS for 6 years, and that was enough for me.

    So what did you folks notice when YOU were in the JW congregations ? Did you see lots of men appointed who didn't know either WHAT they were doing ? Or men appointed that lacked a good amount of kindness, compassion, and lacked character ? Good character at that ? As always I look forward to your takes, observations, and comments. Thanks so much. Have a great night ! And peace out to all of you ! Mr. Flipper

  • NoRegrets

    I grew up in a congregation split between two, large ruling dynasties! Big families that were at least 3 generation strong witnesses. The amount of nepotism exhibited was staggering. Utter buffoons would rise to the position of MS or elder whilst a non family member would jump through all the hoops and take years to rise through the ranks. There were many incidents that were covered by "private reprovings" or had a completely blind eye turned while the non family members were raked over the coals for being involved in the same immoral stunts! The holy spirit surely wasn't making the appointments in that congregation, the uncles, fathers, and grandfathers were!!!!

  • Retrovirus

    Hi Mr Flipper,

    A thought from an "outsider" - everything I've read and seen indicates that the WT equates "spirituality" or "spiritual maturity" to blind obedience. From all you've posted, this applies to elders as much as to any other jws. Are elders allowed to stray a step from the "handbook", even if circumstances may suggest a more subtle approach, or even (J forbid!), recommending "worldly" medical or psychiatric advice? Or worse yet, child protection agency or police intervention which is not directly mandated by law?

    So perhaps a blinkered trust is more important than strength of character, compassion and real greatness of spirit. To the WT at least.

    Hope all is going well for you and your wife, Retro

  • flipper

    NO REGRETS- Very good point you make. I saw the " Hatfield " & " McCoy " syndrome going on in many congregations I attended with prominent families holding sway in decisions made and appointments of elders. And as you say " private reprovings " happening within these prominent families when an ordinary publisher would have his or her sins exposed openly to the congregation. It certainly showed that holy spirit had NOTHING to do with appointments of elders.

    RETROVIRUS- You are correct in your assumption. In the JW's world - Obedience = " Spirituality " . And not necessarily obedience to " God " or the Bible, but obedience to the WT society ! The elders ARE NOT allowed to stray from their handbook from the WT society or they'll lose their elders positions. They are NOT allowed to recommend specific psychiatrists to people OR a psychiatrists advice . They only give advice based on WT publications- or the Bible ( allegedly ). And in regard to child abuse - elders are instructed to FIRST call WT legal department when a child is molested in the JW organization to see if they are even IN a reporting State. If they are NOT in a reporting state- the elders are not to report it to police. The victim can report it to police or the victim's family can, but to cover the WT society's legal backside - elders do NOT report it in non-reporting states.

    And your take is correct, blind obedience is more important to the WT society by it's members than " character, compassion and greatness of real spirit. " It is very sad

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I've seen Ministerial Servants who have been such for 25 years or more and men who became elders in 8 years from conversion. Those who were career Ministerial Servants did one thing well, bookroom, cleaning or soundbooth. They usually weren't intellectually bright enough to meet all the "other" requirements. Those who converted and took off running usually had skills, speaking, teaching or were affable and had likeable personalities. Oddly enough they tended to have a bit more education as well. There were always those born to the breed who were on a career path who were voted in via DNA and they were usually tools. It's a mixed bag Flip. On the whole there had to be conformity but functions weren't enough in this locale.

  • Quarterback

    Well, I must say that I agree that the qualifications for a Spiritual Man (Elder, or Shepherd) in the congregation today is far from being spiritual.

    What I see is those outward functions ...microphone carrying, magazine/literature counter work, Sound department, commenting etc. The 10 hrs per month seems to be mandatory.

    The cong servants that I grew up to respect in my early years, and I am going back over 40 yrs. are very different than the ones today. Going back those years were men that I grew to respect, and made me want to reach out. However, they are not serving any longer, and neither am I. Today, the men serving are pitiful. Mind you not all of them, but, the younger ones today are so pitiful. I see such men abusive with their children, and wive's. I see them displaying anger, and they are so far from being Christlike.

    I woud describe those men like Auditors. Company men that ensure that the policies, rules and regulations are practiced. Many in the congregation remain respectful of this arrangement, but, cringe at the thought of approaching such men with problems.

    Will this change? Not with the GB Methodology. They want to see publishers out of this organization, not real men, and women dealing with the problems of real life.

  • GLTirebiter

    Several of my former brothers-in-law were ministerial servants and elders. Only one might have had some formal training (he was a missionary, so I suspect he went to Gilead at some point). It's sad little emphasis the Watchtower puts on formal education, not even having theological seminaries for their clergy. When a young man from the local congregation went away to Bethel, I was surprised to learn that he was crossing the continent be a laborer. The way they praised Bethel I thought it was Jehovah's Theological Seminary for Future Elders, not a printing plant (how naive of me!)

  • AvocadoJake

    Elders who donante time (construction, equipment and money.) can get away with more, than the average janitor. If we had a audit of who read all the spiritual food, I belive at least seventy percent would be hungry. Sisters have to highlight the busy elders Watchtowers and householders ask, "hey what is this article about? The elder says, I have not had time to read it, but you will enjoy it." Back to Hall personalities, If sister weak accuses, Most High Elder, brother Largess "Give till it hurts." of some type of misconduct, he is able to steam roller her, into a flat pancake. If Brother Troll decides to screw with servant Fred7777, Fred7777 is screwed unless he has stored unrighteous riches with the CO, DO or high up. Flipper, would the WTS appoint inept, incompetent or 'Peter Princle.' brothers through the ranks? Since 1970 I have seen too much, uneven appointments, next we will hybrid the mormon doctrine of "Baptism of the Dead" will be 'Appointments of the Dead.' The Spirtually dead to Jehovah appear wonderful to men. Billy, how many inept brothers did you see appointed, during your tour of duty, at Bethel and back to the DMZ? Our Halls. (Disturbed Mental Zone.). Flipper why do you think most of the COs are out of touch with the flock? They don't have to work in the World, don't have to worry about healthcare, don't have to worry about making their payments. The COs biggest concern is how to present guilt, in a new, efficient and lasting manner. The CO asked the brothers at the Circuit gathering, "How many of you want to be an elder?" out of two thousand people, five hands went up! If your scraping the bottom of the congregation barrell, your bound to scoop up some pond scum, with that fresh water.

  • nugget

    the purpose of the qualifications is to check depth of conditioning. Elders will be exposed to the policy files and the non spiritual nature of elders meetings. In order to ensure that the brothers don't get shocked into leaving they have to ensure that they will tow the line along with the other elders and enforce the rules. This is especially important for non connected brothers who don't have the family legacy in or the CO, DO influence. These brothers may sincerely believe that as an elder they are there to help the flock and thus they are most likely to be disillusioned when they encounter the truth about how the body of elders actually operates.

    If spiritual qualities truly counted then ambitious men wouldn't get a look in.

  • hellenback

    I agree to get promoted to MS or Elder you need to wear brown lipstick. Its never mseemed to me to be dependent on spirituality, love for god or other witnesses, it was always dependent on who you knew which family you belonged to or married into. The daughters of Elders married other elders as they also wanted a peice of the prestige and power that had been bestowed on their mother. Young brothers who want to marry pretty sisters "reached out" and then those pretty sisters were drawn to these "spiritual brothers" The brothers were usually older and not so good looking. I would sometimes look at these sisters who had made the mistake of marrying this brother who was an elder window washer/cleaner and could see she was'nt happy and probably just wanted some passion in her life .

    I never wanted to be a MS or elder as I never felt the need for power among the JWs and saw through the hypocrisy among the Elder elite . One example was a brother whose first name was rutherford was baptised was pally with a few high ups and was made upto MS within 6 months his only spiritual qualification was having the name Rutherford and going out doorknocking regulary. I also remember playing rounders( what baseball was called before yanks made it into the money making racket it is today ) oh and was also mainly a girls game. Anyway I digress We were playing this game and this elder kept cheating( for some reason when it comes to sports cheting is ok with JWs) I pulled him up about it and he did the whole Im an elder you should show me respect ! my retort was " respect is earned and you haven't earned mine" . Six months later it turned out that he had also been cheating on his wife for a while and was dfed when he finally left his wife.

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