Is this a Jw website or what?

by dropoffyourkeylee 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Listener

    It is though the owner of the site is trying to live in a time warp and remembering what they view as the glory days.

  • zengalileo

    The Seventh Day Adventists have always been very much l;ike JWs and vice versa. So, it might not be all that strange considering that fact.

  • sizemik

    This earthshaking announcement was made in Feb 2011 . . .

    Yes, that is the 1971YearbookofJehovah’s Witnesses—just off the press! You will want your copy at once to read this fascinating account of the greatest advance of true worship yet recorded.

    There's a heap of JW crap on the site . . . even a report on the Governing body. There's JW's involved somewhere.

    A rational explanation would be fascinating I'm sure.

  • ziddina
    "We used to be members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church until we realized that this church also rejected and subverted many Bible truths..." [thanks, fokyc!!]

    Oooooo - kaaaaayyy, now THAT sounds familiar....

  • hotspur
    A rational explanation would be fascinating I'm sure. -sizemik

    Is that even remotely possible from the source? Rationale seems to be only a concept to the author(s)

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