Deepak Chopra and Bill O'Reilly Attack Richard Dawkins in 'Believers vs. Non-Believers' Discussion

by whereami 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • whereami

    Ok my fellow flying spaghetti monster believers. Get ready to just nod your heads in disbelief at the lack of any honesty with these two idiots.

    classic case of pot calling kettle black

  • xchange

    Nah. I don't have the stomach to listen to these guys. Your post already articulates what I suspect these two guys will say.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    funny...but listening to that..I get the sense that they don't even agree with each other on a number of issues. Interesting how deepak refers to Jesus as a profit...but the interviewer carries on as if he agreed.

  • Farkel


    : classic case of pot calling kettle black

    Interesting. Skeptic that I am, I consider Deepak Chopra to be one of the most spiritual men I've ever seen in my life. I have read three of his books, and seen many of his shows on PBS. He has a presence of spirituality that I've seen only a few times in my life: the Dalai Lama and Gandi are two more wonderful examples. No Circuit Overseer, District Overseer or the few Governing Body members I've had the displeasure to meet comes even close to these guys. Elders don't even register on the piece-of-shit meter in my world.

    Read Chopra's books and tell me he is not incredibly spiritual. He brings the best of his Indian spiritual stuff together with the best of his medical training together and makes it all makes sense. At least to me, he does.

    To dismiss these people as fools or clowns is a big mistake. We have much to learn from them.

    Dawkins has his place, too. We must listen and learn from everyone if we are to grow.


  • ziddina


    I began to doubt the "spirituality" of Indian gurus when, as a young adult, I came across a Hare Krishna pamphlet - practically a 'comic book' of Hare Krishna beliefs....

    The thing that impressed me the most about that pamphlet, was the number of gurus advertising in the back of the pamphlet - and you may have guessed it - EVERY ONE OF THEM claimed that THEY - and ONLY they - were the "one and true route to true enlightenment"...

    Damn, that grated on me, even then!!!


  • Farkel


    : EVERY ONE OF THEM claimed that THEY - and ONLY they - were the "one and true route to true enlightenment"...

    Trust me. Chopra is not even close to that. He offers nothing except things to think about. Do you think I would get sucked in to another Cult or another "guru?"



  • wobble

    Thanks Farkel, I will read some of D. Chopra's books, on your recommendation. You have made me realise that I am guilty of judgeing someone without listening to them, at least not listening enough, some of his arguments and views that I heard him express a while ago, were irritating to me, a rational non-believer.

    But I obviously can learn from the man, so I will give it a go.

  • undercover

    I didn't watch the clip.... can't stand Bill O'Douchebag, so I have no reason to listen to him interrupt his so-called 'guests'.

    In reply to Farkel's first comment, I can grasp that concept. I don't know anything about Chopra, but I can accept the notion that there are truly spritual people. Spiritual people who don't necessarily drink the Kool-Aid of any particular for-profit religion. One of my favorite spiritual people was Johnny Cash. He wasn't always crazy about religous services and was apt to avoid churches, though later in life he followed Billy Graham and performed at his crusades. But he spoke of finding his spiritual closeness to his God in nature, not in buildings or books. Speaking of Billy Graham, he turned 93 yesterday or today, depending on where you're at on the globe. Another spiritual man. I'm not a fan, but I do think that he really stands above most American evangelists as a true spiritual man and not just a con artist. Are either of these on the plane of Gandhi, the Dalai Lama or even a Deepak Chopra? I dunno, but in my part of the world and life, these two men, Cash and Graham, are several notches above anyone else that I can name.

    While I personally don't accept the belief in God as rational or logical, I won't go so far as classifying myself as agnostic or atheist. To classify yourself, you basically - whether intentionally or not - lump yourself in with followers of people like Dawkins. While I agree with some of Dawkin's rational, I sense - maybe wrongly, I dunno - that he's basically an anti-evangelist. People got rich riding the coat tails of god, flim-flamming people who felt the need to belief in a higher power. People are also going to get rich riding the coat tails of the opposite, flim-flamming people who scoff at the true believers. Maybe I'm wrong about Dawkins, but I sense that Colonel Harvey's Indian Elixir sideshow salesmenship in him.

    To me agnosticism and atheism are not a religion, or a club you join. It's a personal belief or position that you came to on your own, using personal logic, reason and meditation. You don't need to join a Dawkin's fan club to support your 'belief'. He's a leader of "atheist lite"... people who can't seem to defend their position on their own. Lazy atheists, they are. As Farkel said, there is a place for him...maybe he can spur the fence sitters to pay attention and question their long held religious beliefs.

    In the end, believer or not, we all need to get along somehow. Trying to bridge that gap on a Bill O'Reilly show, in my opinion, isn't going to do that.

  • tec

    I would rather have listened to Deepak Chopra a little more and Bill O'Reilly a little less... he just seems more quiet, more confident, less interruptive. (though I get Bill has only a quick minute for their talk, and has to stay on track, but still)

    Chopra could have jumped over to that 50 page 'an old argument' thread, lol. He brought up some of the same points that have been brought up over there.

    I also like this, from Farkel:

    To dismiss these people as fools or clowns is a big mistake. We have much to learn from them.
    Dawkins has his place, too. We must listen and learn from everyone if we are to grow.



  • cyberjesus

    Trust me. Chopra is not even close to that. He offers nothing except things to think about. Do you think I would get sucked in to another Cult or another "guru?"

    Deprak Chopra sells his opinions. Jesus was a spiritual person, and Ghandi, and Constantine... and the Popes...

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