
by sleepy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    I was angry at first.
    For me and my family having been tricked for all those years.
    Later, I felt piece of mind, just to have proof in writing.
    It all seemed to make sense after that. All the doubts that I had about the society were made valid, well to myself anyway.
    Im still trying to convince my J.W. family.

  • logical

    he truth is so simple.... love

    love for God, Christ, neighbour, brother, sister, ENEMY.

    Why do you not excercise that YK? Yadirf?

  • larc


    You've got it brother! It is as simple as that. People want to debate scripture, the meaning of Greek words, and in the process spew insults at each other. Your statement reminds me of a scripture, "straining at the gnat and swallowing the camel." Now, I suppose someone will come along and agrue with me over what that means. Not you, logical, but there will be some I'm sure.

  • Francois

    Right on Logical.

    Love. If everyone put it first and foremost, to the exclusion of all else, we would be living the teachings of the carpenter. And there would be no arguments about evolution, abortion, science, divorce, race, war, because the truth - love for God, love for neighbor, love for all - would crowd out the error.

    We'll never do it.


  • ISP

    The truth is that simple, log. But then came the manipulators! The WTS is a long line of them!


  • edster

    I was a worldly person before i became a bible study and now i've reverted back to the world that is so despised by them. After leaving the watch tower society i initially felt guilty but when began to see through the organisation, i felt extremely relieved to have left.
    I just didn't understand the fact that they proclaim to have the truth but they don't allow scrutiny of their beliefs by their members. How can you prove that it is the truth when you bar members from looking at material from other religions and independant sources? If it is the truth it would be able to stand by itself, people will revert back to it. Why do they only examine material from the WTBTS and nothing else. It was just propaganda.
    I also didn't like the way people put on fake smiles all the time and what kind of a religion believes in a god that is a vindictive bully.
    And don't even get me started on the hypocrisy.
    What i believe now is that the real God understands the dynamics of society and people develop certain traits because of one reason or another. The Queen mother is a nice gentle person because of one reason or another. A serial killer becomes like that because of one reason or another. I am relieved knowing that there is a god that understands why people are the way they are and one that doesn't pulverise peole because they don't follow an organisation's teachings.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Interesting topic. By the time I truly "left", it was all rather anticlimactic.

    I had spent years being partially to totally inactive. I would try to go back, but would suffer extreme panic attacks whenever I did. My "inner person" was trying to get a message through to me, even though my training told me to continue to strive to re-activate myself.

    I had asked for help from the brothers, but no help was forthcoming, and I simply couldn't continue to force myself to go when I would end up at the door, NWT in hand, shaking and crying from a panic attack....or when I would sit through a meeting hearing nothing and barely able to breathe.

    When my husband was eventually disfellowshipped for smoking during our last real try at re-activating ourselves, the lies and hypocrisy whose existence I had denied for so long, came at me in full force.

    It was a relief and it was also a period of mourning. I had had doubts and questions for years, but I had repressed these doubts and blamed myself for being weak, or for looking at imperfections of men. When the curtain of denial was finally stripped away, there was a great sense of relief. I was not to blame, but rather, this organization was not what they claimed to be. It was also a period of mourning because I realized that everything was no longer tied up neatly for life was no longer laid out for me, but I would have to pick up the pieces and try to stumble through it somehow, learning as I went.

    There was no major upheaval, however. It was more a settling into place of many things that I had known for years, but refused to fully acknowledge.

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