
by sleepy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    How did you feel when you first learn the real truth about Jehovahs witnesses.
    Was it a relief did you feel excited about all the things you were going to do or try?
    Or did you feel absolutely gutted , years down the drain, no paradise you won't see your dead parents again?

    Did you initial feelings last or have they changed?

    I remmeber feeling relieved and happy first , then dispondant.
    I now go through waves of feeling happy and released and at other times I feel sad at the mistaken dreams and time wasted and sorry for friends and family still there.I'm not used to feeling up and down like this.
    Does this fit what you feel?

  • teenyuck

    sleepy, you always bring up such interesting human interest threads. I enjoy the opportunity to read others ideas.

    Since I drifted, it did not hit me suddenly until I came to this board. I have tried to forget many of the teachings and when I first came here, I was stunned. That is when it hit me. The deep doubts and thoughts I have are not unique.

    I actually am going through the happy/sad/despondant things lately. It really brings home that my mothers family are divided because of the dubs and I never got to know my fathers family because we were dubs.

    I am glad I do not have children....I would be a mess as a parent. I think I have too much baggage.

  • Yadirf
    It really brings home that my mothers family are divided because of the dubs.... -- puffsrule

    No, not because of the "dubs", but because of this:

    Do not think that I came to put peace upon the earth; I came to put, not peace, but a sword. For I came to cause division.... Indeed, a man's enemies will be persons of his own household. He that has greater affection for [relatives] than for me is not worthy of me.... And whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worthy of [the benefits to be derived from me having sacrificed my life]. He that finds his soul [life] will lose it, and he that loses his soul [life] for my sake will find it [because I will resurrect such person]. He that receives you [a "dub"] receives me also, and he that receives me receives him [my father, Jehovah God] that sent me forth.... Whoever gives one of these little ones [a disciple of Jesus, aka a JW] only a cup of cold water to drink because he is a disciple, I tell you truly, he will by no means lose his reward. -- Matthew 10:34-42.

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • You Know
    You Know
    How did you feel when you first learn the real truth about Jehovahs witnesses. Was it a relief did you feel excited about all the things you were going to do or try? Or did you feel absolutely gutted , years down the drain, no paradise you won't see your dead parents again?

    You haven't learned the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses yet. That is a fallacy on your part. You may have opinions that have been more or less handed to you, and no doubt you have been induced to believe certain things regarding Jehovah's Witnesses, but you can't really boast of knowing the real truth about the matter. The truth is that you and others haven't the necessary biblical insight to see beyond the deception that Satan has practiced upon you. The real question should be: How are you going to feel when you find out the real truth about Jehovah and his witnesses? Use your imagination / You Know

  • patio34

    Hi Sleepy,

    ditto on Prisca's observations about your interesting threads. My feelings didn't fall into the categories you list.

    I felt liberated, but not because of stuff i wanted to try, it was intellectual--as if i had emerged from a mental prison where information was kept locked up.

    I never felt sad because it wasn't true, but frustrated because i devoted so much of my life to something so patently false.

    I also feel empowered because of my realization that true power rests with me, not a supernatural being.

    Have a great Saturday!

    The WTBS-style Race for Life

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    puffs and sleepy.

    How are you going to feel when you find out the realtruth about Jehovah and his witnesses? Use your imagination
    Are you picturing it?
    Be very afraid.
    But remember, returning unto Jehovah out of a motive of fear of dying at Armaggedon is an unacceptable motive. You must be afraid of Him, yet LOVE Him and urgently desire to serve him.
    Good luck working that one out...
  • coffee_black

    You know,
    I have read every book published by the watchtower. Yes, I had them all. The lack of Biblical insight on their part became obvious after that excercise. I have a suggestion for you. Read just the words of Jesus in the New Testament. Only the words that He Himself spoke. The truth is so simple. It is people with their own agenda that make it complicated. Try this excercise. You will be amazed.


  • You Know
    You Know
    You know, I have read every book published by the watchtower. Yes, I had them all.

    Me too.

    The lack of Biblical insight on their part became obvious after that excercise.
    It's true, they do lack insight in some areas. But, that just goes with the territory. The apostles often showed a lack of insight too. Yet in other areas they show great insight.

    I have a suggestion for you. Read just the words of Jesus in the New Testament. Only the words that He Himself spoke.
    That's kind of hard to do isn't it? Don't you lose a lot of the color if you don't read the narrative that the gospel writers wrote? I suppose it helps if you use one of those Bible's that have Jesus' words highlighted in red.

    The truth is so simple.
    I know. / You Know
  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    After the gut terror of residing within the Watchtower,quaking in fear of the Wrathful God,Jesus is mediocre fare.Unexciting.

    It's true, they do lack insight in some areas
    If that is so, in the areas they lacked insight they should have declared that they were only expressing an opinion.Instead of declaring everything as divine utterance.
  • coffee_black

    Reading the watchtowers' books from the beginning, showed me they are not who they claim to be. Why follow them? Truth doesn't change. If it has to change, then it wasn't true to begin with. If it wasn't true to begin with, then it didn't come from God.


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