Merrimack New Hampshire KH Project denied credit by WT seeks $ from others

by bnybyt 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    Are there that many JDubs in that area? From what I recall spending some time in Nashua, it's relatively rural up there.

  • LostGeneration

    I think they stopped charging interest in the past few years...yeah nice of them figuring they basically own the property in the end. It would take quite some time to pay off at 2k a month, but isn't that what real estate investing is about anyway?

    A quick search on the area says the two towns are about 15 miles apart. Land is probably cheaper in between the towns instead of in each town. Of course the WT could care less that the JWs would would have to drive out of their respective town for meetings and FS until the end of time....

  • N.drew

    Kingdom Halls don't even come with kitchens.

  • BroMac

    it really is all just too easy.

    letter arives to C.O.B.E from branch

    C.O.B.E discusses with the B.O.E what the branch are suggesting, and they agree to put the proposal to the congregation in the form of a 'resolution'. because they have to in most cases by law.

    one of the elders blurbs out the resolution which nobody fully understands, and asks for a "proposer"! WTH! like it was their idea!

    "all those in favour?" - group think takes over as the hands start to go up, those not sure start to look round and slowly join the rest.

    "any against?" - usually those who are against will not raise their hand or make a point. instead they will 'abstain'. ones who do raise their hands automatically become part of the "Dathan & Abiram" class.

    resolutions are like loaded dice.

    candy from a baby.


  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Isn't this the same Kingdom Hall that just fought a case in federal court in order to overturn the city council and zoning commission's denial of their building permit?

    This was a pretty big case just a few months ago. They bought (or had an option) on a piece of property (farm land) located on a two lane road just outside of town. While the road is has very sparse traffic during the middle of the day, mornings and evenings there is a lot of traffic as commuters go between towns on their way to and from work.

    I last heard that the court had ruled against the city (or the city just dropped the case), and now the KH and assembly hall were going to be built on the property. After all that and now the Watchower and the local RBC won't come up with the money needed to actually build?

    I smell a rat...


  • Refriedtruth

    Today! Free Lodging in Old-Brooklyn Elegance, Just for a Select Group
    New York Times - - Nov 5 2011 New York Times article on Watchtower (tax free) elegance and extravance just like ole babylon the great. The Watchtower society a mega real estate developer with $200 billion in world wide assets NO Public charities from this religion not one soup kitchen

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    $750,000 Kingdom Hall? Holy crap, that's a lot of money for a windowless box that evidently will not be in a city.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    see I was thinking the same thing. Why a large white elephant?

  • oppostate

    Apparently the NH RBC has been working full steam ahead on the Merrimack KH.

    Yup, it's a pricey KH. They've already invested over 150,000 on the ground site and the preliminary landscaping of the heavily wooded area.

    The neighbors were so upset at the extra truck traffic, noise and deforestation that Brooklyn sent in "appeasers" to meet with each of the neighbors.

    The town of Merrimack is demanding hundreds of thousands go into landscaping. Also they had to put a sidewalk for hundreds of feet that goes along, starting from no place in particular, all in front of the property to... you guessed it, coming to an end in no place in particular further down the town road.

    The parking lot is three times that of most KHs in the New England area (why so big? no clue, that's what the Bethel Architects came up with. They've had to do all kinds of rainage and drainage studies and present these at the town meeting but no explanation for the obviously oversized parking lot).

    Several congregations in New England have taken loans 30,000 to 50,000 to help the new build. These congregations are taking loans from the WTS but the ownership of the Hall will be in the hands of the WTS when everything is built and paid for.

    One congregation that took a $30,000 loan on behalf of the Merrimack project is situated an hour and 15 minutes away and the median age of the congregants is in the low 60's which means most of the publishers are retired and on Sundays the attendance is around 70, not a child is to be seen, in this mostly elderly but very generous KH. I visited a couple of meetings there and sitting through their "Wednesday" meeting was like pulling back molars, I'd rather they pulled teeth than sit through one of those again. Booooorrring! It was like the whole KH was one tired crowd that went along with the mechanics of the meeting.

    Another congregation that took a loan from the WTS on behalf of the Merrimack KH Build project is way over in the State of Vermont, over two hours away. They had sent letters to quite a few congregations and these sent in responses to the Branch about whether or not their BOE felt they could help by taking out loans to finance the project.

    Unfortunately the original costs for the project now seem underbudget. There's already plans to appeal for more financing since the materials have gone up and there have been quite a few snafus.

    I plan to go to the dedication when all is said and done and take a few photos if all goes well.


    $750,000 dollars?! Do you know how many JW molesters need new Vans?! This is outrageous!!

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