sincere question .....What could make you believe in God ?

by caliber 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JRK

    If I won the lottery. Then again, I think the odds of me winning the lottery are much better than thinking he helped me win.


  • ShadesofGrey

    Well, dear Caliper, don't you know, we are so much smarter than them. LOL!

  • ziddina
    "Yea, but Bible God, Quran God and Jewish God are still around while all those ancient god(dess)s are forgotten..." [Undercover]

    Ah, HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

    WHAT makes you think that the 'old deities' are "forgotten"???

    Ever call your car "she" - or hear someone else refer to an inanimate object as a "she"? How about a boat? How about a ship? How about a plane?

    That is a reference to the ancient concept of the all-encompassing and protective Goddess...

    Now, how about the Virgin Mother Mary? THAT is a reflection of the ancient goddesses like Isis - Gaia - Mara - and so on...

    Many of the female 'saints' of the Catholic Church are actually Goddesses who were co-opted so that the church could peacefully absorb their followers...

    Ever look at the "throne" of England? How about the "she-wolf" of Rome? And of course there are the goddesses still worshipped in some popular holidays - Easter = Yoster, for example... I'd bet that "Arbor" day has a connection to ancient Celtic tree deities, especially goddesses... Oh, and the planet "Venus"? Going all the way back to the Sumerians, that planet/star was worshipped as the goddess Inanna, then by the Babylonians as the goddess Ishtar, then on to [I believe] the Persians or Near Eastern people as Astarte, which apparently informed the Greek goddess Aphrodite, and then on to the Roman Venus, and so on...

    Then there's the geographical references, still in use today - the Danube river in Germany, the sacred wells in England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France - the grotto at Lourdes is a good example of a sacred water source or spring associated with a goddess - transformed into a more acceptable form for "Christians"... The "grand Tetons" - breasts of "mother" earth...

    Goddess worship is still around. Most people just don't recognize it as such, when they're indulging in it. Keep your eyes open, and you'll spot many more examples of it, still going on today....


  • Jewel

    Yeah, what Liberty and Ziddina said. And you might be surprised by how many of the "old gods/goddesses" are being worshipped. I remember the exact moment when it suddenly hit me, reading about the god of the OT, "If this guy exits, he doesn't deserve my worship." Scared me to death, but I knew it was true.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    the danube river is mostly in austria (at least we got the danube waltz!).

    and i'd rather bow to a goddess (and whatever else she wishes) than to the typical christian god (one of the worst of his kind). i do like me some odin, thor and loki, satan is kind of cool too, but that jehovah type is either an complete asshole or a plain idiot.

    that said, i'll check the fridge for another beer. everyone bow to the holy shbirrit!

  • TheClarinetist

    Yea, but Bible God, Quran God and Jewish God are still around while all those ancient god(dess)s are forgotten. So there's more to say for the newbie gods than the old timers.
    You might be suprised at the number of Polytheists around. If it's still known to history (though it is fair to say that quite a few aren't) then someone is still worshipping it.
  • undercover

    You might be suprised at the number of Polytheists around

    True. True. If I had a nickel for every God there supposedly is, I'd be a rich man.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    If he told me personally (or publically) gave proof of his existence and said he wasn't the god-of-war from the bible and explained what his purpose was.

    Simple really.

  • cofty
    That doesn't bother me. I don't have a relationship with the Bible. - shadesofgrey

    Of course not, but if the bible is unreliable what basis do you have for making any claims about god? How do you know anything about him? Why do you even quote the bible below if you are prepared to allow that it is unreliable.

    Forgive my ignorance. What does surplus to requirements mean? - shadesofgrey <

    It means that all the old arguments from design etc are not valid. As Voltaire said about god - "I have no need of that hypothesis." If there are reasons to belive in god its not becasue we need him to explain anything about the world.

    Oh don't worry. He will. "The fourth poured out his bowl upon the sun, and it was given to it to scorch men with fire. Men were scorched with fierce heat; and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give Him glory. Then the fifth poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became darkened; and they gnawed their tongues because of pain, 11and they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores; and they did not repent of their deeds. - shadesofgrey <
    A member of Christ's body,

    Now that's where you thesits do more to destroy your cse than any atheist could.

    I am sincere, if there was evidence for god I would believe in him but ehre isn't. Your response is childish threats from a book that I have already told you is totally discredited.

    How repulsive do you want your so called gospel to be?

  • cofty
    The fathers of Science, such as Newton, Galileo, Kepler, Gilbert, Copernicus and Einstein held a firm belief in God and openly professed their belief (Caputo, 2000 ) If scientific proof is the bases for belief why is this so... do you think ?

    Some of those lived in a world where the existence of god was not up for discussion. They could do good science and believe in god with no contradiction. Einstein did not believe in anything you would call god.

    We used to believe in all sorts of things, some great scientists of the past also worked on alchemy. We grew out of it.

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