Did you ever think.....'Why Don't We Kill Off the Anointed'?

by Diest 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Diest

    I know it is an odd thought but when I was 7 or so and suffering through a meeting, I thought.....'Why dont they get them in one room, and get rid of them so that we can live in the New Order.' Afterall they are going straight to heaven to rule with Jesus....not like death is a bad thing in that case.

    It makes me laugh now at the simplistic mind set. But on some levels it was a genius idea...well it was before I realized that it was a sham.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    LOL. I actually had similar thoughts when I was a little girl. I remember wishing they would all hurry and die so the new system would come faster. What a crackpot religion, huh?

  • finallysomepride
  • finallysomepride

    I did have that thought about some the very dry & boring speakers LOL

  • DesirousOfChange

    I thought we should kill off all of the people of the "generation", then WTS changed the definition.


  • 00DAD

    A friend of mine's son said that during a WT study one Sunday. The kid was a teenager and dad was either a MS or an elder at the time. Boy was dad & mom embarrassed!!!

    Of course if it could be done it wouldn't matter because the whole FDS is a complete myth!!! Even the GB doesn't know who all the anointed are, they recently admitted.

    I'm actually more surprised with all the wackos & nut jobs that the cult attracts some disgruntled ex-JW hasn't tried to take down the GB!!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I used to wonder the same thing when I was little.

  • gubberningbody

    Yes, but I was thinking cyanide in the wine at the memorial would be just the ticket.

  • snare&racket

    Yeah I figured this was a good play too... but I had people alive in 1914 on my list too... lol how weird were we !

    When I think back now or see JW's/christians I realise how odd we all were. so strange.

  • diamondiiz

    I wondered why would they want medical help if they knew they would rule as kings. If they were to leave a poverty and pain for something better why would they go for life saving surgeries and treatments?

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