Sad situation unfolding on FB

by Mickey mouse 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • iknowall558

    Ok. All details and updates are on the Facebook page PAWS (PEOPLE AGAINST THE WATCHTOWER SOCIETY). This is a truly heartbreaking and disturbing story. The girl is in surgery right now. Her father has been arrested and the FBI apparently are involved. Something needs to be done about this religion and it needs to be done now. This has rocked the ex JW community and even those who have been subtley and quietly been exposing the WT are willing to to take more drastic and public action in highlighting the abuse and the acute damage and devastation it brings to peoples lives.

  • designs

    At the most critical times when you need family and friends around the GB does this to people.

  • baltar447

    Ok, can we get any news source to confirm any of this?

  • NewChapter

    Do we know where in Ohio? O god, I'm afraid to look.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    This just truly breaks my heart. There was a young pioneer sister from Butte Montana who took her life in the early 80's. I was only about 16 or 17 and the rummer was she had not had enough faith in Jehovah was why she thought suicide was only out.

    I was so young but I just could not wrap my mind around the thinking of so many. I thought it was such a sad tragedy.

    My thoughts will be with this poor girl and I hope she comes through OK.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I will have to look up the FB page. Thanx

  • EmptyInside

    I hope she makes it through and is able to heal both physically and emotionally.


    That's terrible.

  • flipper

    If I had a rocket launcher- some son of a bitch would pay for this crime . I'm so ready to bring this organization down. Anybody launching a secret mission to do so- count me in. I'll go undercover

  • JWStruggle

    Another casualty chalked up to the JW movement. Her "sins have massed up clear to heaven". Organ transplants, blood fractions, etc. on and on and on and on.

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