Halloween is Sunday.......Share your paranormal experiences with the board

by Judge Dread 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    LOL didn't see your last post before I entered mine

  • finallysomepride
  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread
    I don't want to talk about the demons.

    Mini, you are excused for this year.


  • ziddina


    My first "paranormal" experience is reading the title of this thread and realizing that I must have time-traveled or something...

    Cuz' in MY special little world, Halloween is on Monday, not Sunday....

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread
    My first "paranormal" experience is reading the title of this thread and realizing that I must have time-traveled or something...
    Cuz' in MY special little world, Halloween is on Monday, not Sunday....

    Actually this is a learning experience.

    NEVER post in the evening under the influence AND NEVER post in the morning BEFORE having coffee.


  • ziddina


    All I have to say to that, is...



  • finallysomepride

    Actually this is a learning experience.

    NEVER post in the evening under the influence AND NEVER post in the morning BEFORE having coffee.

    Some of my worst postings were under the influence LOL and as for coffe well I need some now

  • ziddina

    Hey, Mad Sweeney!!!

    You posted this little problem of yours,

    "...BTW, my wife and daughter are practically obsessed with the paranormal. Any time something isn't where they left it they give everyone else the third degree to find out whether we moved it or whether it may have been moved by ghosts.
    "Did you close the bathroom door last night?"
    "How the hell should I remember that?"
    "I KNOW I left it ajar but this morning when I got up it was closed. Did you close it?"
    "I told you, I don't remember. I probably closed it after I went to the bathroom, yeah."
    "If you didn't I think a ghost did."
    "Oh Jesus Christ. *facepalm*"
    I go through something like that several times a week. Could be something fell off a shelf, a book that was upright is now laying flat, iPod was on this table and now it's on that one, a shadow moved across the room. The answer is always spirits. It's never gravity, you moved your ipod and forgot, a car drove by and its lights and the bushes outside cast a shadow, no. It's spirits. ..."

    Here's how you fix that...

    Every chance you get, MOVE something of theirs - but ONLY when they're present. If you can time it correctly, do it JUST as they're looking away. When they look back and demand of you why you moved that iPod/car keys/book/whatever, give them the most innocent face you can generate, and say,

    "I didn't move that; it must have been the spirits."

    Keep denying that you moved it/whatever, no matter HOW red-handed you are caught. Eventually they'll become so confused - was it Daddy? Or was it a spirit? - that they hopefully will give up the game...

    And while we're at it, you could go outside at night with a flashlight and shine it around, then deny you had a flashlight with you...


  • Scully

    I wonder if anyone is celebrating the anniversary of CT Russell's demise? I think I might wrap a bedsheet around myself and say it's a toga.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread
    I think I might wrap a bedsheet around myself and say it's a toga.

    Watch out for the ghost of John Belushi.


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