OK ladies, watch how you walk.

by JeffT 28 Replies latest members adult

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    So from what I think I'm reading, the orgasm is the same... just how a woman reaches it is different?

    Correct, although some say that the orgasm achieved thru anal intercourse is more intense. Just like a stimulation of the G spot can create a more intense O as well.

  • watson

    Some women have orgasms without any kind of stimulation at all... they can just think themselves into having one.

    I want to find one of these...

  • JeffT

    Some women have orgasms without any kind of stimulation at all... they can just think themselves into having one.

    I want to find one of these...

    Why? She's not going to need you for anything

    More seriously, this is obvious nonsense, but I thought it was funny. I thought the people who study such things decided a long time ago that the whole thing about "vaginal" orgasms vs some other kind of orgasm was all a figment of Freud's imagination. Although I gather that there is some sort of debate about levels of intensity.

    And I couldn't resist the reference to the song. It will give the lurkers something to think about next time they're singing it at the hall.

  • watson

    No, but would be very entertaining!

  • OneDayillBeFree

    hahah I can already imagine how those trained sexologists must do their testing...

    Sexologist: "Okay miss... Now that you have walked for 5 minutes, I'm gonna need you to get off that treadmill so I can have a look at that pelvis. Please remove your skirt and panties and sit down on the mat"

    Female Subject #6: "Umm, okay"

    Sexologist: (As his hands slowly feel the pelvic region and making bizarre faces) "Hmmm..."

    Female Subject #6: "What?? What is it Dr?"

    Sexologist: "That feels very strange"

    Female Subject #6: "What do you mean?" Is it bad?"

    Sexogolist: "Worse than I thought... The way you walk strongly suggests that you could suffer from weak pelvic muscles which in turn should mean that you are not reaching your full orgasm... and yet the way your pelvic muscles feel, so strong and firm just doesn't make any sense..."

    Female Subject #6: "Oh dear god!... Dr., will I ever be able to orgasm correctly?"

    Sexologist: "Theres only one way to find out. I must run some tests! You are going to need to lay down on the mat and spread your legs as far as they can possibly go!"

    Female Subject #6: "But Dr. is this really necesary??"

    Sexologist: "Indeed! Now hurry miss, berfore its too late"

    Female Subject #6: "umm... uh... o... okay... But Dr., I'm scared!"

    Sexologist: "Dont Worry miss... I be a Dr.!"

    --------------------1 HOT HOUR LATER-------------------

    Female Subject #6: "OMG Dr. I think I'm cured... You definately fixed me! I'm good to go now right?"

    Sexologist: (As he swiftly blows the smoke from his cigarrette) "Not so fast..."

    Female Subject #6: "What??? What do you mean???"

    Sexologist: "Its the results of the tests"

    Female Subject #6: "What about them?"

    Sexologist: "You see Miss... They were... Inconclusive!"

    Female Subject #6: "OH NO!!! What can I do?"

    Sexoligist: "You see Miss, you seem to suffer from a disorder known as 'Delayed Orasmitis"

    Female Subject #6: *GASPS*

    Sexologist: "In order to permanently correct your disorder theres only one thing you must do!"

    Female Subject #6: "Tell me Dr. I'll Do ANYTHING!"

    Sexologist: "Meet me here at my office everyday for the next 2 weeks at 3pm sharp!"

    Female Subject #6: "Okay, um and then what?"

    Sexologist: "I shall run more tests..." *Wink Wink*

  • bigmac

    back in the early 80's i had a girlfriend who never climaxed through vaginal stimulation or penetration. but she could pop anytime anywhere on her own simply by crossing her legs tightly and squeezing.

    kind of made me redundant---so i left.

  • wobble

    I tried that, crossing my legs tightly and squeezing, I ended up singing falsetto !

    Many women do have a very sexy way of walking, but I am not sure of this study, I am off to do my own research !

  • JustThatGirl007

    LOL! What a topic...

    I'm one who can orgasm just by thinking about it, provided I have some "herbal" influence first. It doesn't happen every time, but HOLY SHEET did I have a hell of a Tuesday.... ;)

    I also orgasm vaginally, multiple times.

    I have no idea how watching one's gait will give any indication of their orgasmic history, but whatevs....

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    stop btt this thread makes me sing the KM

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