An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OnTheWayOut
  • Qcmbr
  • ziddina
    "a twelve year old could come to those conclusions, but a twelve year old would have to have been fed those things to begin with, yes..."
    "Funny that a twelve year thinking the bible is silly comes to that on her own, but one who thinks there is truth in it is being led. ..."

    Tec, I think I've told you this story before, but here goes again...

    And get yer bible out; I'm going to refer to a few scriptures in the book of Exodus...

    When I was FIVE, I began COLLECTING ROCKS. Now, you'll note that no one "FED" me this interest in rocks; I happened to notice how sparkly and shiney and interesting they are...

    By the age of SEVEN, I had discovered that there were these INTERESTING mountains, called "volcanoes", which ERUPTED!!! And during those eruptions, MOLTEN ROCK came out, sometimes as lava, other times as ash and incandescent bombs and so on.... And the friction in the clouds of ash frequently produce lightning - it's actually a real hazard for volcanologists studying eruptions - they have to be VERY careful to avoid being hit by lightning!!


    When an elder gave a talk and referenced Exodus 19: 16-19, from the podium, and read:

    "On the third day, when morning came, there was thunder and lightning, a thick cloud on the mountain, and a loud trumpet sound, so that all the people in the camp shuddered. Then Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Mount Sinai was completely enveloped in smoke because the Lord came down on it in fire. Its smoke went up like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain shook violently. As the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke and god answered him in the thunder."

    Now, IMMEDIATELY after he finished reading this, I had that "A-HA" moment, and I said to myself, "That's a volcano!" Then I turned to my mother, and said more loudly, "THAT'S a VOLCANO!!"

    The brother at the podium looked a bit startled - we were sitting close enough that he HEARD me - and my mother, of course "shushed" me...

    But I NEVER forgot that!! I had seen the HUMAN face of the ORIGIN of this "god"...

    Of course, when I saw the effects of volcanic eruptions on the superstitious Israelites, and the influence of such natural phenomena on the Israelites' theology, I began watching for OTHER volcanic eruptions being viewed as "divine" presence or "divine" signs and symbols in the bible...

    Guess what? THERE'S MORE!!! The account of "Sodom & Gomorrah", that so-called "pillar of fire" that supposedly "led" or went ahead of the Israelites out of Egypt, possibly the fall of the walls of Jerico [earthquake],....

    And ESPECIALLY some of the violent imagery in REVELATION!!

    And NO ONE "fed" that information to me; I FIGURED IT OUT FOR MYSELF...!!

    SOME children are precocious, and don't just blindly accept what the often mis-informed adults tell them... Like Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern myths disguised as some sort of bizarre "truth"...


  • ziddina
    "Schweitzer remembers. "My colleague brought it back and showed me, and I just got goose bumps, because everyone knows these things don't last for 65 million years." ..."

    Ah, it's odd that the scientist supposedly said that, when the ACTUAL article from MSNBC said this:

    "March 24, 2005 - For more than a century, the study of dinosaurs has been limited to fossilized bones. Now, researchers have recovered 70 million-year-old soft tissue, including what may be blood vessels and cells, from a Tyrannosaurus rex.
    If scientists can isolate proteins from the material, they may be able to learn new details of how dinosaurs lived, said lead researcher Mary Higby Schweitzer..."

    And here is the link:

    I read the article - it's rather short - and really it's "old" news, having been discovered in 2005 - but NO WHERE in the article do ANY of the scientists state, "everyone knows these things don't last for 65 million years."

    And while we're on the subject...

    Ever looked at an insect in amber? The creature is preserved - right down to the THINNEST MEMBRANES of their wings...

    Here's an article from a REPUTABLE SCIENCE site, discussing the discovery of a gecko fossil in amber that STILL HAS THE FRAGILE TOEPAD "HAIRS" that enable geckos to run across smooth and vertical surfaces...

    That fossil is at least 97 MILLION years old...

    ANYONE who makes the IDIOTIC comment that "blood cells just don't last for 65 million years", apparently hasn't been paying attention to the advances in paleontology for the last 30 years...

    You can also check out the fossils found in Florissant, Colorado - many of which are SO delicate, that one can see the fine, tiny blood vessels in th insect WINGS - which have been mineralized - fossilized...

    Here are a couple of links to that...


  • still thinking
    still thinking was that story of yours in particuar that really got me thinking and questioning...I can't believe how much my brain has been switched off over the years. Maybe it was just some form of self preservation...I dunno...but no more...I want to know. So thanks for that light bulb moment.

  • ziddina

    Yer welcome!!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Didn't the Watchtower imply that the flood killed the dinosaurs?

    Neither of these particular 12 year olds have EVER been a JW, or ever been inside the KH. This 12 year old got it from a movie shown in her church last week, I believe.

    My what tangles we create when we seek to superimpose our filters over a matter. Seems like just maybe a few more fundamental churches might think like the Watchtower, eh?


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    The fact remains that science has much to learn about dinosaurs. They do not have everything right.

    Perhaps. But most scientific study points to the end of the dinosaurs around 65 millions years ago, after being around for about 150 million years. By almost anyone's account, that precludes the idea of 7 creative days, or mankind's existence during their end.

    Someone indicated that the story I related was not accurate or the original thoughts of the child. A child certainly can find delusional thought funny or odd or comical. My grandkids regularly mock Santa and the Easter Bunny myth-like idea. They mock god-foolishness all the time. Apparently this little girl is able to sort out and call bullshit when she sees it. Good. Maybe rational reason will win this one's mind before she starts believing in talking to invisible gods without power to end famine [the actual topic of this thread]. Rational kids are not as stupid as irrational adults might assume. They don't have to be led or fed to be rational. The human brain is fantastic in it's ability that way.

    What rubbish!


  • N.drew

    If the dinosaurs were still around you could feed them to the hungry people. But if they got loose, it wouldn't be good.

  • ziddina

    N.drew, are you located in a major city with a large "nature and science" museum?

    Perhaps the exhibit, "Walking with Dinosaurs" will come to a museum near you...

    Or something like this...

    If you have the chance, go see one of these programs with LIFE-SIZED models of dinosaurs... It will totally change your perspective on a LOT of mis-information that's floating out there about "dinosaurs were on the ark"... "Dinosaurs lived along side humans"... and so on.


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