If Jerusalem destruction was truly significant- Why would an almighty God allow so much confusion regarding the date?

by mankkeli 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Because it was not significant.

    And because god is far too busy playing galactic billiards elsewhere in the cosmos to have checked in on our galaxy for squillions of years. It's yesterdays project.


  • Ucantnome

    The destruction of Jerusalem in 607 and the end of the Gentile times in 1914 was I believed significant in that we had the Sign of the Son of Man in 1914 and Christ 2nd presence.

    The Sign of the Son of Man spoken of in Matthew 24:30 I believe the Witnesses show to be a future event.

    The purpose of the "Sign" I believe is to gather people to it. Jesus never said what the sign would be but he told us the angels would gather the elect.

    As the Angels will do the gathering and the "Sign of the Son of Man" has not been seen I see no significance in 1914 and therefore no significance in the date of when Jerusalem was destroyed and therefore no confusion.

  • Honesty

    The only people who are confused about it are Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The rest of us have the mental ability to read publications other than the Watchtower.

  • Listener

    That is a good question and possibly it was to allow man to demonstrate just how genuine and sincere they are in their interpretations.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    May I add more of their confusion.

    The WTS does not start its "Seventy Years" with the destruction of Jerusalem. They start it with the exodus of Jews following the murder of Gedaliah. The WTS assumes/hopes that the destruction and the exodus happened in the same year. The WTS is wrong/confused.

    The Bible does not give any dateable information, so the WTS gets its dates (eg 539 BCE) from the secular sources that it rejects.

    The Bible does not state: "This is the moment that the Seventy Years began", although it does indicate that the Seventy Years ended on the night that Babylon fell to the Persians.

    The WTS has found it impossible to provide proof that Jews returned to the temple site in Jerusalem in 537 BCE.


  • Dutch-scientist

    There is no confusion only some historians and wannabee historians want to tell there own story next to the facts.

    Jerusalem was destroyed in 586/587 BC no doubt or confusion every expert in the field knows this!


  • agonus

    Why would you be confused unless you're laboring under the delusion that the destruction of Jerusalem had anything to do with Invisible Jesus Math?

  • garyneal

    Out of every Christian church I have ever spent any time in prior to my doing extensive research on WT doctrines, not once can I recall did the date of Jerusalem's destruction ever come up. Not even in the IFB churches that are BIG on doctrines (and their belief that they alone have the right interpretation of the Bible).

    When I started paying attention to WT doctrines, I visited a church where the pastor gave an overview of how to view the Old Testament. In that sermon, he mentioned the date of the destruction of Jerusalem. 586 BC.

    I have an old King James Bible that was given to me by my step dad's brother when I use to attend his IFB church. It is an annotated bible with an encyclopedic index and a concordance. I looked through the book of Jeremiah and 2 Kings, it listed the date for the destruction of Jerusalem, in 586 BC.

    So according to my experience, Christians outside the WT world just don't care about the date of Jerusalem's destruction and Christians outside the WT who are aware of Bible chronology and apply it to absolute dates universally use 586 BC. Only the Jehovah's Witnesses care because only they have to prop up their 1914 doctrine based on it.

  • PSacramento

    Why would an eternal being outside time as we know it, be dependant on time as we know it? or schedule ANYTHINg based on time as we know it? or evne care about time as we know it?

  • Larsinger58

    There is no confusion from the Bible. The "70 weeks" prophecy dates the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE per the Bible. 70 years earlier is the last deportation in year 23 of Neb2, 525 BCE. The fall of Jerusalem thus occurs, PER THE BIBLE, in 529 BCE. Simple. Easy. Direct. Only no wwe have the secular evidence to back this up independently of the Bible.

    All the confusion comes from Satan and his control over the academic world.


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