Yet another guilt-inducing "Do-More" Watchtower article...

by Alfred 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alfred

    Nu-Lite™: If you’re in a wheel chair and have a speech impediment, you still have no excuse for not reporting field service hours every month. So stop complaining, read the article below and start using your cell phone to send theocratic text messages.

    From page 14 of the January 15, 2012 Watchtower Study Edition...

    ‘How Will I Be Able to Preach?’

    Throughout the world, we have outstanding examples of brothers and sisters who faithfully share in the preaching work despite coping with serious health problems.

    Take, as an example, Dalia, who lives in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania.

    Dalia is a sister in her mid-30’s. Since birth, she has suffered from the effects of cerebral apoplexy. That disorder has left her paralyzed and with a serious speech impediment. As a result, only family members are able to understand her well. Dalia lives with her mother, Galina, who cares for her needs. Although Dalia’s life has been filled with adversity and anxiety, she maintains a positive outlook. How is that possible?

    Galina explains: “In 1999, my cousin Apolonija came to visit us. We noticed that Apolonija, who is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, knew her Bible well, and Dalia began to ask her many questions. Before long, a Bible study was started with Dalia. Occasionally, I joined them in the study to help interpret Dalia’s speech. I noticed, though, that everything that she was learning really benefited her. Soon I too requested a Bible study.”

    As Dalia began to understand Bible truths, one question started to bother her more and more. Finally, she spoke up and asked Apolonija: “How is one like me—being paralyzed—able to preach?” (Matt. 28:19, 20) Apolonija calmly reassured Dalia: “Do not be afraid. Jehovah will help you.” And, indeed, Jehovah does.

    How, then, does Dalia preach? In several ways. Christian sisters help her to prepare letters with a Bible message. First, Dalia expresses her thoughts to the sisters. Then, they compose a letter containing her thoughts. Dalia also witnesses by sending text messages on her mobile phone. And when the weather is favorable, congregation members take her outside to approach people they meet in local parks and on the street.

    Dalia and her mother have continued to make spiritual progress. They both dedicated themselves to Jehovah and were baptized in November 2004. In September 2008, a Polish-speaking group was formed in Vilnius. Since the group had a need for more Kingdom publishers, Dalia and her mother joined it. Says Dalia: “Some months I get worried when I have not yet been out in service. But after praying to Jehovah about it, soon someone makes an appointment to go out with me in the ministry.” How does our dear sister Dalia feel about her situation? She states: “The disease has paralyzed my body, but it has not paralyzed my mind. I am so happy to be able to tell others about Jehovah!”

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    you got to love the picture of the wheel chair with the book bag in it. lol

    no exemptions from preaching!!!!!

  • sizemik

    The sad thing is that Dalia fully believes that her diseased body will become free of these serious health problems . . . that she will enjoy perfect life in a paradise earth . . . any day now . . . it's just around the corner. So she feels the most profitable thing she can do is to "preach the good news" any way she can . . . and make certain of Gods approval and secure her hope.

    And yes . . . anybody with lesser problems and desiring the same outcome . . . had better get cracking!

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    “Some months I get worried when I have not yet been out in service

    Now, why would she be worried about that?...Does she think Jehovah is going to punish her? Who would have put that in her mind?

    Guilt.....It's a powerful thing ain't it?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I don't see 'jehovah' helping at all...

    tis only other hoodwinked ones helping the hoodwinked stay hoodwinked...


  • flying under the radar
    flying under the radar

    And then people wonder why there are so many JWs that are on medication for depression and anxiety.

  • hotspur

    And to 100,000s of JWs Dalia should have been born into the New System with no disabilities!

  • trueblue

    This guy went to the doctor...

    Doctor says "Please take off your shoes"

    The guy takes off his shoes and says " I had toefoid"

    Doctor says " You mean Tyfoid"

    The guy says "No I mean tofoid, it was just in my toes"

    Doctor says "Please take off your trousers"

    The guy takes off his trousers and says "I had kneessiles"

    Doctor says " you mean you had messles"

    The guy says "No it was only in my knees, I had kneesiles"

    Doctor says "Please take off your shorts"

    The guy takes off his shorts and the doctor says "Let me guess, you had smallcox"

  • leavingwt

    "If you don't give a witness, you cannot be a Witness."

  • sir82

    It continues to astound me, though I'm no longer surprised....

    The WT just doesn't get it, that for every person "encouraged" by reading experiences such as this, there are 10 who are driven into deeper despair because they think they "just aren't doing enough for Jehovah".

    The end result is the same - hours in the field ministry increase - but most JWs just get more depressed.

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