Part 18: The Last Stand - My Brother's Gift

by Amazing 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AjaxMan


    All your experiences that you've been sharing with us are like your name: Amazing!

    Thanks for sharing your stories. They're great.

    I'll look forward to read more of your posts.


  • VM44


    This series was great, and important as well. I hope many
    people will be helped and inspired after reading it.

    Your brother's "gift" to you was very clever! He must have
    had some insight to the JW organization and the Watchtower.
    From the events in your story, your brother did help you out
    by what he told "Elder G" at the "Amalgamated Wedding."
    He knew that the elders and the WTS feared lawsuits and
    successful litigation against them, and he used that fear to
    try to give you an advantage. It was a bold move. Your
    brother was a man of action.

    I have a question not directly related to your series,
    which I have been meaning to ask for a while.

    I was curious about when you received your engineering
    education, was it before, or after becoming a JW? And what
    sort of degrees did you receive? And why did you decide
    to get out of engineering and go into real estate? Has an
    engineering career become less fulfilling in recent years?

    Thanks again for writing the series, and I am looking forward
    to the final "10 year exit anniversary" part.


  • TheStar


    I can't thank you enough for these posts. They come at a time when I really need them. I'd like to ask for your help if you would please. Please read my "HELP PLEASE!" thread that I started today.

    Please post to me or email me. I really need advise from yourself and all that may understand my particular circumstances.

  • AMarie


    From the beginning to the end, your story was....Amazing. At times I laughed, at other times I was on the edge of my chair. Seriously, you need to publish this material, or at least make a personal book for future generations to read. I loved it! Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us. It was very enjoyable.


    P.S. I really hope you post those pictures. I would love to put faces with all of the names.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Thank you, Amazing, for posting this series. No one outside the JWs could possibly understand exactly how bizarre this religion can be. Your experiences have summed things up very nicely and should act as a warning to those not yet in, and an inspiration to those hoping to leave. Perhaps, also, a wake-up call to many who still believe it is the "truth".

  • JBean

    Wow... not much else to say here but a huge thank you. Some way, somehow, I hope we get to meet one day in person, Amazing. (and you truly ARE amazing!)


  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Hi Amazing,

    Thank you for the laughter, tears, and everything in between.

    Every chapter was was a good one.

    As we all look back on out lives we wish there were some things (many for me) we had done differently. Hind sight is always 20/20.

    You have your family with you and that is the greatest blessing anyone who has escaped the borg can ask for.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Loved it, Loved it, Loved it. (Now I have nothing to look forward to on this board).

  • Simon

    Thank you for sharing all this with us Amazing - I've really enjoyed reading it and comaring it to my own experiences (on a slightly lesser scale mind you!)

    Sounds like your brother put the "fear of god" into them for sure. I would have loved to have see their faces ...

  • jst2laws


    A highly respected brother in our congregation came over secretly to catch up on your latest writing. He has read them all (accept for 18) and wanted me to thank you for the series. Also since reading part I he decided to read C of C. Can only read while in hiding, but is up to chapter three.

    This has helped him to decide just last week he is leaving. He has begun to use what he has learned from your series to work on his family. Good work.


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