There is No Morality Without God

by whereami 161 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento
    psac -- ah, okay. I guess i need to know the canon better :-).

    I have to admit that it took me awhile to get that, LOL !

  • bioflex

    NewChapter: i really dont want to get off topic here, but care to tell me how life started? and dont tell what what i have been reading and seeing already cause it wrong. I bet science justified humans evolving from chimpanzenes right, i mean i read that horses even evolved from some animals who were no bigger that foxes, and one thing i noticed it that they were using words like PROBABLY and all, so how is this proven?.

    Life did not just happen OK. and different animal forms did not come about because of natural selection and and inconsistencies in genes as scientists tell you. If evolution is natural how come we are stuck in this state for thousands of year with no hope of evolving into other higher forms, i mean we once chimps right so i thought we would have grown wings by now. Believe what you want to, and dont try to condemn my beliefs cos you probably dont know where you are coming from (i mean its by chance that we are here as humans right) or know where you ar going to(maybe some asteroid would just crash us and end it all).

  • bohm

    bioflex: I bet science justified humans evolving from chimpanzenes right

    The bad news is you are ignorant, the good news is you do not have to be!

  • NewChapter

    LOL---science does NOT teach that humans evolved from chimps. Check it out. Also, science does not seek to prove, it seeks to disprove. When you see words like probably, you are seeing hypothesis and theories expressed with humility. Now your first paragraph, I could have worked with. Then I got into the absolute language of your second paragraph, and at this point, I'm taking Jonathan's wise councel to not engage you anymore. We get people like you now and then, and he's right, engaging just turns messy and tiring.

    I have always enjoyed my discussions with PS though. We rarely agree, but PS has the intelligence and reasonableness to consider ideas respectfully, and with logic.


  • bioflex

    Sorry for off topic posts, but i thought all i did was speak my mind, and then some guys come and start flaming me.

    Back on topic : Talking about viking, crusaders and all those guys , sometimes people dont really care if what they are doing is wrong or right, they do it because they think it justifiable at that period, whatever means they use is what is readily available to them.

  • PSacramento

    Sometimes people confuse, for whatever reason, the common ancestor that humans and chimps share with humans evolving from chimps and to be honest, I can see that happening because, just like many atheist get their ideas about theology from other atheists that may not have a solid grasp of theology as they think they do, many believer get their view on evolution from believers that don't really know much about evolution.

    Very nice of you to say that NC :)

    I don't really debate/discuss things for people to agree with me or to convince or convert anyone, I enjoy having my beliefs challenged and feel that it makes me a better person and believer.

  • NewChapter

    The vikings and crusaders thought they were right.

  • PSacramento
    The vikings and crusaders thought they were right.

    Although they didn't think it was right when what they did was done to them.

    "Surivial of the fittest" and "might makes right" is something that we as humans have to struggle with when we deal with the moral issues that ask us for unselfish behaviour with no benefit.

  • NewChapter

    I don't really debate/discuss things for people to agree with me or to convince or convert anyone, I enjoy having my beliefs challenged and feel that it makes me a better person and believer.

    And it DOES PS, just as it makes me a better unbeliever.

    But seriously, you have actually done a lot with these conversations. By talking to you, I no longer dismiss or presume to know what someone believes. I now recognize that you have given things a great deal of deep thought--and I don't want to change you, unless you make that change on your own. But like anything, if we think we are onto something, we have this desire to present the possibility and the proof.


  • NewChapter

    Although they didn't think it was right when what they did was done to them.

    I tend to disagree here PS. At least with the Norse. They believed that a death in battle was the most honorable, and it gave them a place in Valhalla where they would drink mead with the gods. While I'm sure death itself wasn't pleasant, they would much rather die by an axe being driven into their skull in battle than to die the peaceful death of an old man. That was the worst.

    Pirates are another example. They had their code, and when their code turned on them, they generally accepted it as right.


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