Life is so do I get my famiy out? If not, how can I stop worrying about them?

by sprintcmp 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • sprintcmp

    I was born in, baptized at 12 or 13. Auxiliary pioneered one of those Aprils when there was the big promo. I took the ACT's in high school because every body else was doing it and Glory be...I was granted a scholarship and my parents allowed me to go to college. Around the same time, two things happened: 1) An instructor said during a lecture: "Question everything, even the things your parents taught you." (Small pebble to the head.) 2) An elder/family friend said in an off hand kind of way, "I really beleive this is the truth". (Another small pebble to the head. In his position, I would have expected "This is absolutely the truth". )

    Ten years go by and the fade the way I had moved away from my small home town for employment, and spent every Sunday avoiding phone calls from my mother because she aways asked if I went to the meeting that day. Made an effort to pretend I was active when I went home for visits, even made up fictitious names when childhood friends and family asked "Who are some of the brothers in your congregation?" (What a punk I was!)

    Made another move farther away and decided to stop pretending. By the way another 12 years have gone by. In 2004, I registered to vote. By the 2008 election, I was actively political. My father had passed away, and my mother was now a single parent to my younger sister. After my sister married, she and her non-witness husband moved in with my mother to save for a home, something my mother called a waste because the new system was right around the corner.

    Mom then quits her job, that she desperately needs, to pioneer. She lives on my father's retirement and SS which ain't a lot and was going to cancel her health insurance to make ends meet. I freaked out and volunteered to pay for her health insurance and have been doing so for the last five years. I now see that she is a master manipulator...she will announce that she is going to take some short sighted action, call to tell me about it and I typically step in to ward off the sure to come disaster.

    At first, I was okay with her pioneering (gives her something to do in her old age) though I begged her to get out of debt first so she could pioneer without having to worry about bills. She didn't listen and continued to make one bad financial decision after another (leasing cars, high interest loans to pay for things she could have delayed and/or saved for.) I truly believe she hopes the end comes and since "money will be thrown into the streets", her burden of repayment will be avoided.

    So now...her health is failing (she also never took care of her health by exercising and eating right, again...because "the end is so close" and she will have a new life in the new system.) But she still drags herself out several times every week. I think she gets bragged on for being 78, in poor health and still pioneering. Otherwise I don't see the motivation.

    My sister....totally existing in a fog, following along, not thinking or questioning, appearing to become more and more devout. I know it is hard to question what you have been taught, I lived that, and although we are close, we never talk about the religion. Every thing but. Have tried to sublety bring it up, but I know it is walking in land mines.

    Mom....gets more and more negative and bitter every day. Last two times I travelled home, we got into an argument over something petty ( I didn't ask to speak to her on the phone when my sister called to tell me she fell - in my defense, I was tired after a long day at work and long commute and all I ever hear about is her aches and pains and troubles. She was okay and I didn't feel like hearing it that day.) but I feel like the real reason is neither of use have the guts to address the elephant in the room, namely, I am not doing anything abou the "truth", as she puts it. I think they view me as "less than" because I am not a part of their wonderful "organization". Poor, pitiful daughter, is not going to make in the new order.

    It's a practicaly lives with my sister who is now distracted with a new baby, still negative, still unable/unwilling to work on her health and finances (the end is so close). She reads a lot but only WT literature, totally unaware of what is going on in the world and how her life could be affected by the political process. But Lord above, she, and a lot of others, count on that government aid.

    When I left after my last visit a few weeks ago, I vowed I had washed my hands of it. But I can't stop thinking about them. Especially the new baby and the F'd up life he will lead if things don't change. I check this website regularly for similar experiences and I am just now able to come to terms with the fact that I once belonged to a cult! That is hard to admit. I fancy myself as intelligent, aware, progressive, but I once belonged to a cult.

    Thanks for reading....I know that hope and prayer, and little luck are all that can save them.

  • Magwitch

    SPRINT....You are in such a tough spot - I am sorry you are going through this. I also have parents the same age that are die-hard regular pioneers, living off their small SS check each month. They think they are happy, so I say nothing. It would kill them to find out the Borg is a lie.

  • sprintcmp

    Thanks, Magwitch

    So what is their view of your position? Do they "witness" to you or leave you alone? Even though I am miles away, I sometimes feel guilty about living the life I've built for myself that is free of their restrictions.

  • clarity
  • OnTheWayOut

    Wow, thanks for sharing. I cannot begin to give advice on how to get them out or how to help them.

    While my mother is totally JW, her unbelieving husband made sure that they have a retirement.

  • DesirousOfChange

    They have to want out -- at least a little bit -- before you can do anything.

    You can't take off the blinders for them. They have to develope their own doubts.

    Plant seeds.

    "Can you explain the new light on the generation that shall not pass away?"

    "Wow, that's confusing to me."

    "Does it make sense to you?"

    "Is there any other place in the Bible where a "generation" means over 100 years?"

    "Gosh, that makes Great-Grandpa Sprint (I was named after him) and me the SAME GENERATION!"

    "I still am not sure I understand that. Can you explain that again? Maybe with a scripture instead of just reading from the WT?"


  • blondie

    Getting people out of the organization is similar to trying to get a drug addict or alcholic to quit. You can be supportive but in the end they have to see the need to change and do the work.

    Just like addicts and alcoholics have to hit bottom, so jws have took me 45 years to find my bottom.

    You might find Steve Hassan's books about getting friends/families out of a cult helpful.

  • DarioKehl

    Ten years go by and the fade the way I had moved away from my small home town for employment, and spent every Sunday avoiding phone calls from my mother because she aways asked if I went to the meeting that day. Made an effort to pretend I was active when I went home for visits, even made up fictitious names when childhood friends and family asked "Who are some of the brothers in your congregation?" (What a punk I was!)

    I also moved away before beginning my fade (and also voted for the first time last fall and can't wait for th 2012 election!). And every Sunday or meeting night, I still get the phone calls. It kills me to hit "ignore" and check the voicemail later. It kills me to dread calls from old friends or relatives when I used to look forward to them. They know something is up, but I think they're just as afraid to open that door as I am. They don't lecture me (although, my mother is notorious for sending me reactionary emails after a friend of a friend mentioned something I said online or something). But, they'll try to wiggle in questions like "How was meeting today?" or "Did you like that point in the WT study?" and even if I say yes, my mother will still "go over it" with me like she's rehearsed a demonstration for a service meeting part! Little does she know, I study thw WT more throughly than I ever did while I was still active--because I critically analyze it now! In fact, I've busted her several times because I'll know of a WT article that's been out for some time that she hasn't read yet. They also call and I get the sense they're just trying to feel me out--not really calling for any reason, but, just to investigate. Looking for clues in my voice or maybe I'll slip up and contradict myself or something. That's why I screen the calls and return them on my time, on my terms and I control the conversation. The more I talk, the more I may slip up and out myself.

    Anyway---back to topic... It kills me physically, emotionally and mentally to have to LIE and HIDE who I am and what I'm doing out of FEAR. It's not so much guilt anymore--guilt died when I learned TTATT. But I'm still a moral person and there is a bit of guilt that bothers me when I lie. While living my "worldly" faded life, I only regret the necessity of lying and decieving my parents and family about my current state. I'd love to be open and honest to them, but we all know what will happen then, don't we?

    Additionally, this constant fear of being "caught," the constant physical demand of looking over my shoulders and covering my tracks is KILLING. ME. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't plan, I can't enjoy, I can't learn--everything came to a halt because I'm at the the end of the plank with 2 choices: do I jump (back in to the bOrg) and drown or do I let the pirates (WBTS and their shunning policy) spear me in the back? A choice has to be made--and I know which one it is "right" for me. As Steve Jobs said, "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living SOMEONE ELSE'S LIFE."

    What did you end up doing, sprintcmp? Did you DA, get DFed or are you still faded? Does your remaining husk of a mom and foggy sister know you're faded or do they assume you're still active?

  • DarioKehl


    Everyone ELSE gets it! I'm gonna go sit in the back of the auditorium and POUT.

  • sprintcmp

    Thanks, Everyone, for your comments.

    Clarity, Thanks for link..Most helpful.

    Blondie..Yes, I read the Steve Hassan book. It is so weird that cults use the exact MO.

    DarioKehl, I have faded... and consider myself completely out. No meetings, FS, conventions. I used to only go to meetings when I went for visits. The last time I visited for two weeks and didn't go once (even though I packed meeting clothes, just in case) I drove my mom to the meeting and left with no guilt. She didn't ask anything about it. Deep down, I know she knows. My sister does too. Occasionally, when they are really excited about a new item (book, CD, brochure) they will send a copy. I got really concerned when my sister sent me one.

    I used to be afraid of being announced at the Kingdom Hall, mostly because of the embarassment that it would bring to Mom and Sister. Now, I don't care what happens. I would not exchange my new life to avoid that temporary discomfort. You shouldn't either. Don't let go of that Steve Jobs is powerful: Life is short, don't waste it living someone else's life.

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