If all of us are JW... Then...

by jakeyen 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    Children would be killed for disobedience to parents.

  • WTWizard

    If everyone were faithful witlesses, there would be no infrastructure. Most of the materials we take for granted would not exist.

    You could name virtually everything we depend on, and a worldly person (or worldly people) invented or developed it. Streets? Worldly people invented the technology, and worldly people organize where they go. Houses? It's worldly people that developed every single technology that goes into them. Water that is reasonably safe to drink? It's worldly people that developed the technology to filter and process water (albeit, I must debit that it was also worldly people that had the harebrained idea of fluoridating water). Food? Most farms are 100% worldly-person operated. That suit? Worldly people developed the technology to make and care for them.

    I would like to see if anyone has any verifiable information that even one major invention that is actually useful outside the confines of field circus was actually made by someone that was an active witless at the time it was marketed. Devices that make field circus a little easier (organizers, binders, call books, and the like) do not count--however, such as food distribution, the technology to make the bags in the first place, and things like that do. I might also add that, since Henry Ford was the one that developed the technology to mass-market cars so the witlesses could afford the damn things, making a new style of car also does not count since it is taken.

  • angel.face

    There would be no doctors, engineers, scientists, architects...anyone with an education.

    Education would not be available to children.

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