What is truth?

by mankkeli 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • mankkeli

    And I dont want to see the dictionary definition of the word, as the word is merely a label, and the definition is merely a description of the word.

    I want to discuss the concept of truth, as there is alot hiding behind the mere label.

    To start off with, is Truth merely when we come to agreement, and stop questioning?

    Because one persons truth should not differ from mine? Because, if something is true...shouldn't it be true for all? If not, than it is not true!

  • N.drew

    God is love.

  • AGuest

    Please don't be surprised if you don't get a great many responses, dear mankkeli (peace to you!). Apparently, when you ask "what is truth" around here the conclusion can be that you don't really want an answer to the question (your agreement/disagreement notwithstanding) but (1) are simply trying to deceive folks and lead them somewhere else; (2) intending to provoke/inflame; or (3) are just posting to be posting 'cause you really have nothing 'better' to do.

    I must say, however, that I do like your question, "is Truth merely when we come to an agreement, and stop questioning?" While I personally don't agree that that IS Truth... I have gotten the impression that some (perhaps even many) here DO believe that: once a certain number of people (which can range from 3 to more than 3 million) agree... then it's truth. Or, at a minimum, highly likely to be true (although, I find it curious when people who think this way are the minority, they don't really care if "many" agree with them - the thing is that you just must agree with them... whether you are one... or many). Personally, I can't quite see the... ummmm... intelligence... in that kind of thinking (and seem to recall many a human travesty ocurring over time as a result of this perspective).

    But just a heads-up... because I wouldn't want you to take it personally without reason to, dear to. The truth, however, is that it isn't really the question: it's you... for having the audacity to ask it.

    Oh, and please don't be surprised if some comment only to respond to me and what I've posted here regarding the matter... rather than address YOU... the intent of YOUR post and asking in the first place.

    Sorry, don't mean to be a schleprock, here... but wanted you to be fairly warned.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • iamwhoiam

    Truth is whatever you want it to be.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    This is a mind boggling question...I used to think truth was simple...ie its either true or its not...turns out there are many types of truth...eg. theories that are subjective to our current understanding or knowledge of something. I googled this and was surprised by this result


    I suppose if we look at a simple question like is it raining...if it is, and say so, it is true...if it is, and you say it's not, it isn't true.

    But then, if you ask someone if they like something and they say yes, that may only be true at the time they say it, because their taste may change and they may not like that same thing in a year. A changing truth? Or a relative truth?

    Also, in court for example you would be asked to swear to tell the truth...but what you would be actually doing is telling your version or understanding of an event...not necessarily the truth of the matter...just your perception or experience.

    To me it seems that the more complex the question...the more difficult to find the truth. And considering this question, as simple as it appears, is so complex I am becoming more and more baffled about what truth REALLY is.

  • journey-on

    Truth is that which we journey on to find. It is that which drives us to seek. It is that which is unknown at present, but which we are certain at some point we will find. It is the unknown answer for which we have/are/and will continue to devise a formula that will solve it. It is the force behind our most noble efforts.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    So, do you think truth is our driving force journey-on...is it the meaning of life?...the reason we are here? to search for what is true?


    There is objective truth and subjective truth. The two are often confused and mistaken for each other. To most people truth is what they believe regardless of how obscure the basis of that belief. The greatest obstacle to understanding truth is ego. Beyond ego truth begins.

    As humans with such a short life span it is unlikely we will ever know what truth really is. Delusion is the comfort zone that many settle for, mistakenly believing that they have found truth. We have all been there before.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Gladiator...interesting thoughts

    If you believe that it unlikely we will ever know what truth really is...does that mean you think it is ok to settle for delusion? I mean, if the ultimate goal is unachievable, maybe settlling for what makes us happy is the wisest choice?

  • N.drew

    No one person can know all the truth. It's way, way too big.

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