Is a child up for adoption supposed to promise love & respect to the potential father?

by discreetslave 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • discreetslave

    Tuesday, October 4
    Offer your very selves to him: a living sacrifice, dedicated and fit for his acceptance.—Rom. 12:1, “The New English Bible.”
    Before someone who is alienated from God can become a member of God’s family of approved servants, he first needs to make a solemn promise to Jehovah. To understand why, imagine a respectable father who shows kind interest in an orphaned youth and wishes to adopt him as a member of his own family. The father is known to be a good man. Still, before accepting the youth as his son, the man wants the boy to make a promise. So the man says, “Before I accept you as a son, I need to know that you will love and respect me as your father.” Only if the youth is willing to make a solemn promise will the man admit him into his family. Is that not reasonable? Similarly, Jehovah accepts into his family only those who are willing to make a vow of dedication to him. w10 1/15 1:13

    Does this seem off base to anyone else? I find this to be another example of the conditional love, JW's really don't get what love is.

  • Dudu

    yeah , is pathetic

  • mummatron

    Yeah, and respect is earned. How can you honestly promise to respect someone you hardly know just because they take an interest in you?!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Thats screwed up...does little for me other than questioning their God and his demands.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    Would he have this attitude towards his natural child? Kind of hard to return him or her.

  • mummatron

    Man oh man, that's a fair point but with a natural child you still earn their respect (or not) depending on their upbringing. Same goes for the analogy but using Jesus/Satan as the natural child I guess...

  • discreetslave

    Something else about the text "God's family of approved servants" does this really sound appealing?

  • Lore

    Adopting a child is a responsibility an adult takes on for the benefit of the child. . . not the other way around.


    It has always seemed odd to me that people who adopt a child consider themselves to be mother & father. They are step parents and can never be more. In the UK this has been a problem for passport authorities because so many people are divorcing and remarrying so becoming mother or father to other peoples children.

    With so many gay men and women adopting children the difficulty of identifying the status of the parent has become acute. This is particularly so when the mother & father are two gay men.

    To accommodate the challenges of our evolving society, the UK authorities have just announced that on all passports both parents and step parents, whether straight or gay, will no longer be listed as mother or father but as Parent 1 & Parent 2. Just think of all the rows over who will get to be parent numero uno.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    What about parents who adopt a child and at first are in the honeymoon stage. Then when reality hits and the child starts to be a child, doing things children do, (not listening, showing an independent streak, etc ) these parents become abusive. Should the child have to love them unconditionally?

    I know that they will say well the father in this example is perfect being he is God. But that is not the true with way they are wording this example he is a human father that they are using, and if we look at the example of God in the Bible he sometimes truly did not make sense in how he dealt with people.

    Also, and I know, I know my mind. just goes to this sick place but what about pedophiles. I know for a fact that most of them appear to be the most loving parents there could be. They prey upon single women with children who feel desperate for a husband. At first these guy's and sometimes women shower the kids with love even blindsiding the children when they truly start their abuse on them.

    Come to think of it, it is kind of how it is in the "truth" when you first start to accept the religion everyone loves you to bits, you get assembly parts and all kinds of praise then it slowly goes away if you do not keep jumping through their hoops.


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